Thursday, July 29, 2010

I was reading, not writing.

I haven't really had much to write about this week. Abby's been great, the weather has been in the low 90s (which is a vast improvement over the 100+ from last week), and there's nothing particularly interesting going on. I usually think/write during nap time, but I've been busy trying to force myself to read my latest book: The Cookbook Collector by Allegra Goodman. Said book came from the library, of course, and it was a new release so I only had a week to read it.

Since one of the things I miss about living in Richmond is the book club I was a part of, I'll just share my thoughts here!

This book had gotten pretty good reviews in Entertainment Weekly, Amazon and some other magazine I can't remember. And, according to the title, it appeared to have something to do with cooking or cookbooks, which is right up my alley. However, the "cookbook" part was a small plot-line that only became important halfway through. It also tried to tackle the dotcom boom of the 90s and religion by telling the story of around 10 different characters.

Basically? Don't bother reading it.

I'm headed to the library this afternoon....I have 3 more books on hold! And I promise I'll be back with something a little more interesting soon :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

My baby's a Big Girl!

Yesterday, Abby finally got her big girl bed! She's been in a toddler bed since we moved here, but obviously, we need the crib mattress for our other little one. Abby's been anxiously waiting and asking about her new bed since we got the new bedding a month ago. (And her best friend down the street also got one around that time.) Although bedtime took a little longer than usual (3 books, 2 sets of songs, and 3 "last" hugs and kisses), she did great! I woke up to some noises a few times in the night, but when I went to check on her she was just talking in her sleep. ("Just one more book!")
For me, it was a mix of relief and sadness: I'd crossed off one of the many things on my must-do-before-Austin-gets-here list and my baby is growing up. I only teared up once, much to my husband's surprise. I know it's just because I'm more aware of things lately, but it seems as if my baby girl has gone and I now have a little person in her place. She's potty-trained, she's in a big girl bed, she speaks original thoughts in sentences and paragraphs, she's developed a great sense of humor, and she's fiercely independent. She's a real person, flaws and all (that fierce independence I mentioned)!

I thought I'd be a little more nostalgic, but instead, I'm really enjoying all these new things. Well, most of them.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


As's cookie post #1!

Sorry for the delay, but it's been really, really hot and I'm pregnant. Enough said?

After much thought, I think the best way to do these posts is to walk you through my methods. Take whichever tips you like, or just ignore them- it doesn't bother me :) Now, I realize that most people don't keep all the equipment and ingredients on hand like I do, so let's just start there. Shall we?

1) Cookie Scoop - probably my favorite tool in my kitchen! Not only do the cookies come out pretty, but it's easy to use and all your cookies are the same size and bake equally.
2) Cookie Sheets - I prefer the medium colored sheets. The dark ones make your cookies dark, and the light ones have problems with evenness and sticking. Also, the cookie "sheet" works best. Sheets have only one or two curved edges. The ones that have an edge all around are called "baking pans" or "jelly roll pans" and tend to make the cookies on the edge cook a little faster. Personally, I have Calphalon cookie sheets, which are like $50 a pan, but don't judge. That's what wedding registries are for :) One last note on the sheets, please, please, please don't store your sheets in the oven. They warp, darken and you end up totally wasting money on your pans. You can get away with using cheap pans from Walmart, as long as you take care of them. (Okay. I am now off my soap box. Think I'm a little passionate about my cookware and cookies?)
3) Measuring cups and spoons - Baking is a science, it doesn't work if the measurements are off. Pyrex cups measure wet ingredients, dry cups measure dry.
4) Mixer - I use a KitchenAid (I got it as a college graduation gift, how nerdy am I?) but you don't have you. Hand mixers work fine, but you really need something to make sure the butter and sugar are creamed (more on that later :) )

(Obviously, follow the recipe here. Just a few notes on some of my preferences.)
1) Unsalted butter, in sticks - I have tried it all and this works the best for my cookies. The butter makes for a lighter, flatter cookie. Crisco makes the cookies a little more dense. It needs to be unsalted and in measurable stick form because of that whole science thing again. In order to best cream the butter with the sugar, butter should be room temp so set it on the counter for a few hours before you start. In a pinch, you can microwave it for 5-8 seconds per side.
2) Vanilla - buy the good stuff, and by "good stuff" I don't mean McCormick.
3) Baking Soda/powder - check your recipe for which you need, and if you don't bake often, buy it new every time. It makes a big difference in the texture and amount of rise you get.
4) Brown sugar - I like the light brown sugar if it doesn't specify. Dark has more molasses and will make the cookies chewy.
5) Eggs - fresh and room temp.

I think that's all for now...questions?

Next up, mixing and scooping!

Monday, July 19, 2010

OBX with the JMU Crew

We are back from the beach! (Or as Abby put it, "my new home.") I must say, this was one of the first vacations where I actually was relaxed and didn't come home feeling like I needed a vacation from my vacation. I credit this to the company, of course, but also the fact that I am now used to spending all day, every day with my child. Normally, a week with Abby with exhaust me. This was yet another wonderful benefit of this stay-at-home mom thing!

It was a week full of the pool, (because Abby took one dip in the ocean and ran away yelling "This is not fun! I want to go to the pool!" Such a Momma's girl!) friends, and a whole lot of food. I can't wait for next year!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Coming Soon...

This week, I'm at the beach with the family and some friends. We're having fun, and I'm sure I'll post pictures later. In the meantime, I've been reminded how much I dislike cooking for large amounts of people. I chose what was probably the easiest, fail-proof, recipe in my small repertoire and still managed to cause myself much stress and a few tears. (Everyone liked it and no one got sick, so I'll consider it a success. I guess.) I'm not really a confident cook.

Ironically, if you asked the people who know me what my strengths are, chances are most of them would mention my cookies. I've always had a knack for them, and am always asked to bring some whenever I'm invited to a potluck, party, what have you. Just as an example: there are 9 adults at the beach this week and I made 5 batches of cookies. This translated to roughly 12 dozen cookies? We've been here for a day; and they are almost gone.

I make the same chocolate chip recipe that everyone else does (the one on the back of the yellow bag) but somehow they turn out differently than a lot of other people's. (I don't mean to make this sound conceited.) I've always been a little protective of my other recipes, but I'm happy to share tips. What's this blog for, if not for sharing information?

So, here's the plan. Coming soon, when I get back from the beach, I'll post a series of blogs with tips and my methods. I've been asked a lot this week, and this is the easiest way I know how to share. And now, I leave it up to you...what do you want to know? Any pressing questions I can help with?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I learned something new!

So here's a somewhat embarrassing fact about me....up until about a year ago, I didn't realize that libraries had actual books.* Like, books you actually want to read. Sure, I knew they had children's books and non-fiction books to do research with. I also thought they had a small selection of fiction books, but I thought they were old books. The "classics" if you may.

*At this point, I must openly apologize to my mother-in-law who is probably cringing. Until recently, she worked in a library and had done so for many years. Sorry Mary!

When I quit my job to stay home with Abby, I was looking for ways to entertain her and to save money at the same time. So, after some research I discovered rhyme time at the local library (20 minutes of sing alongs and storied geared toward the 0-2 crowd). While there, we checked out a few books for Abby. This continued for a few months, and I gradually figured out how to search for books for her. (Yes, this was probably taught to me at some point in school, but computers and I are not friends.) She now loves the library because it means 3-4 new books every time!

Then, a few weeks ago we were searching for Pinkalicious, and asked one of the librarians for help because I wasn't sure how many colors were in the series. (It's Pinkalicious, Purplicious, and Goldalicious if you're curious. They're quite cute.) That's when she introduced me to the concept of "holding" a book. The conversation went kinda like this:

Librarian- "Do you want me to hold Pinkalicious for you?"
Me- "How can you hold it, if it's not here?"
Librarian- Trying to hold in her shocked face. "Uhm, we put your name on a list and when it comes back in, we save it for you."
Me- "Oh. So how do I just keep checking every so often?"
Librarian- Now talking to me like I'm 4. "No. We email you."
Me- Still totally oblivious. "Then what?"

She went on to explain, very slowly, how this all worked. She even mentioned I could go online and add books to my reserve list. I thought to myself, "Holy crap, this is awesome!" I promptly went home and added books to my cue, and in a moment of curiosity tried a few titles I'd been wanting to read. I'd always hated trying to find books at the library (well, since I found out they have bestsellers and such) because I liked fancy displays at Barnes and Noble and Amazon to tell me what I'll like. So I opened up B& and searched for books then added them on. I was so excited about this concept! I told Dan when he got home from work, and he looked at me like I was an idiot. Kinda like the librarian did. (Like I said, his mom worked at a library.)

Anyway, I have since gotten 2 books from my list and have one still holding for me. I'm going to save a lot of money, and I learned something new too!

Go ahead; laugh at me. I know you want to.

The tides have least for a little while.

I know the last post was kind of negative, but that's how I've been feeling lately. I blame the rough pregnancy, the overwhelming heat, and the fact that I still have to care for a rambunctious 2 1/2 year old. And, may I remind you, they are not called "the terrible twos" for nothing. Lately, I've felt like I was just "going through the motions" of my life and not really doing anything very well.

Then there was yesterday.

Abby (who in no way, shape or form could be considered a morning person) woke up in a good mood and ate most of her breakfast (she hates breakfast). Instead of our usual fight, she actually asked to go potty after she ate. Then, we went to Little Gym. She did everything the teacher asked her to and did most of the activities while I watched with the other parents. She was even calmly waiting her turn and asking the other kids if she could please go next. Abby was one of the best behaved kids there. :-0

When we got home, her delightful attitude continued as she helped with the dishes and played by herself while I did a little cleaning. She ate almost all her lunch and even went down for her nap without so much as a peep.

By nap time I was feeling pretty good, and even did a few loads of laundry and some more cleaning. I was feeling like my old self, and it was wonderful! After nap, the good mood continued and we had a great afternoon.

The time from dinner to bedtime has always been Abby's witching hour, and yesterday was no different. There was a series of timeouts for painting on the wall (with water-based, washable finger paints, but still) and for fighting me when I tried to wash her hands. She was getting cranky, I was getting tired and all my good feelings about the day went out the window. After watching a little soccer and looking at pictures of herself on the computer with Daddy, she calmed down and went to sleep. But, by this time I was crushed.

I had spent the whole day feeling good, and then let a few minor things get to me. Then I realized I couldn't measure my day on a few time outs. After all, I do have a 2 year old and time outs are healthy. She needs them as much as I do.

Today, like yesterday, has started out pretty well. Dan has a work dinner tonight, so I'm sure I'll once again be very ready for bedtime. All in all, this last day and a half has been a much needed positive turn.

It's the little things, but it's always nice to get a reminder that, "Yes, I am a good mom."

Friday, July 2, 2010

6 months

It occurred to me recently, that I will be 24 weeks pregnant on Monday. Which, makes me 6 months pregnant. HOLY CRAP, HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!?!

When I think about it, or think about someone else whose 6 months along, I think, "Wow. That's really pregnant." And I guess, in a way, it is. I'm more than halfway through this thing (assuming Austin decides to come around the preferred 40 week mark) but I feel as if it's all gone really quickly. Then again, part of the reason I feel that way, is that I still feel like crap.

Where is the energy and the enjoyment that you're supposed to have during your second trimester? With Abby I felt great. I was hot and tired, because it was summer and I was pregnant. But, I also felt pretty good. Excited; energized! Now, I'm 6 months in and still have to contemplate taking a Zofran if I choose to consume any meat or have too much protein. My poor, sweet daughter has been in a very cuddly and loving mood lately, but I've found myself wincing every time she hugs me or wants to climb on my lap because it hurts. And don't even get me started on the back pain. (Which I fully intend to ask the doctor about starting physical therapy for at my next appointment. Hopefully, I can fix at least one of my issues.) The weird thing about it all, is that I'm not all that tired. I just feel crappy.

Hopefully, Austin is giving me all this junk now and will be a delightful baby when he comes out. Laugh at my thinking all you want, but it is this thought that is getting me through all of this. Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited about his arrival. I've had a blast buying adorable blue and green tiny outfits. I can't wait to cuddle a little baby again. I'm especially excited to experience all the little, everyday things I missed with Abby because I was working. Mostly, I just can't wait to meet my son (and to give him a kiss and forgive him for everything he's putting me through!)

So, yes, this 6 months has gone by really quickly. I just really hope the rest of the time goes just as quick. Now, excuse me while I go try not to throw up.