Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A trip to Santa

We took the kids to see Santa this evening.  Now, we all know how Abby feels about "characters" so she obviously had no fear in running right up to the big guy.  She could hardly contain her excitement as she waited for him to put on his hat and gloves.  (We had somehow stumbled upon a time where we could walk right up, with no waiting at all!)

Abby has been all over the map with her gift requests this year.  She's discovered a few new TV shows and they all have commercials.  Lots and lots of toy commercials.  She also loves to look at any catalog or newspaper ad that has anything remotely to do with toys.  Needless to say, she wants EVERYTHING.*  So, we had done a little prepping (and guiding) to try and narrow things down.  After much nudging and coaching**, Abby was all set to ask for a leappad, Barbie stuff and things for her baby dolls.  Maybe even a game or two. Then, Abby went right up to Santa and, after the small talk, asked for a Pocahontas doll.  WHAT?!?  Nowhere, in any media source she had seen, was there a Pocahontas doll.  At least we went with enough time left before Christmas, so Santa's elves can find/make one of those?

However, in what was perhaps the best moment of the evening (at least for Dan and I), Santa told her to stay away from boys.  (He'd gone through all the other, be good, eat your veggies stuff, too)  I could hardly contain my laughter.  Even Santa knows my daughter is boy crazy.***

So that was Abby.  Austin just cried.  He was happy, right until we put him on Santa's lap.  Then he screamed.  What did I do?  Instead of rescuing my very distraught son, I stood back and told Abby to smile so they could take a picture.  Because I am a good mom.  And because if I hadn't,  you wouldn't be able to enjoy this:

*Though, I do love that a lot of the commercials throw in the line at the end that says, "You must be 18 to order."  To Abby this means she has to be 18 to own one.  Since she has no concept of age 18, it makes sense. She does, however, ask if she can get whatever it happens to be when she turns 18.
** We had gone to a local park's holiday event, and there was a Santa there.  When Abby approached him, she asked for a bell from his sled.  We had watched The Polar Express the day before. 
***As an update to the whole "boyfriend" thing- Abby randomly told me that she was going to marry Flynn (name changed to protect the innocent) in her second wedding.  When I asked about the first wedding, she giggled and told me I was silly.  She was marrying her brother first, then she was going to have another dress and wedding so she could marry Flynn.  Duh. (she didn't really say "duh" but her facial expression did)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas Cards: The Outtakes

In, what will become an annual tradition, I present to you the pictures we are definitely not using for our Christmas card:

.You're welcome.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Abby!


I won't go into all the stuff about how I can't believe you are four, and time has gone by so fast, and so on.  (OMG, WHERE DID THE TIME GO?!?)  So, I will just say, Happy 4th Birthday!

You have had quite the year.  When you turned three, you were a brand new big sister and had just started school.  This year, you are a pro at the whole sister thing, and have blossomed at school.  Last year, you were the quiet girl who preferred to sit back at watch what occurred in class.  This year?  Your teacher frequently comments on how much of a leader you are, and how much they love to listen to your stories and opinions.  (I also get comments on your volume and how you are sometimes a little too eager to share, but you are really starting to get the hang of things.)  I love all the stories you come home with, and love that you seem to love learning.

Through school, you've also developed a whole new group of girlfriends.  (And a boyfriend, but that's a whole other story.)  It has been so much fun to see you at the playground get-togethers and after school when you all play "chase."  Not only has it been nice to see your circle expanded, but you've really come out of your shell.  You have opinions, and  play suggestions, and are a leader.  At the same time, you're also a great friend, and flexible when others want to do something different.  Often times you can be a little too sensitive, and get your feelings hurt easily, but I think that's just a sign of just how caring and sweet you are.  You wouldn't purposely say mean things to your friends, so you have a hard time understanding when others say something to you.

It's also been wonderful to have these new friends and routines, since we can no longer just open our front door and go outside to play with friends.  When we moved in July, we've still seen your old neighbors and friends, but it hasn't been the same.  Still, the trade-off has been for a lot more space and a house of our own.  You have loved every bit of this house.  You got to pick your room color (pink, of course) and have a whole new bedroom set with plenty of room for all your stuffed friends and dolls.  The extra space has also been nice, because you are able to get away from your brother and I when you need too.

This year, we've really started to see your personality.  You are opinionated, very girly, independent, sensitive, and passionate.  You have a wonderful sense of humor.  I love to see the world through your eyes.(even if I have no idea what you are talking about or where you are coming from.  You have your dad's sense of random thinking.)  I am constantly amazed at your ability to comprehend the world around you and interpret what you see into your own words and thoughts.    

Unfortunately, your year has not been without some sadness.  Shortly after we moved, we unexpectedly lost our dog, Dexter.  You were deeply saddened, but were able to understand what occurred more than I thought you would.  In the way that only you can, you've made sure he's lived on in your thoughts and dreams.  I never know when you will bring him up, or if it will be a happy or sad moment, but you have dealt with it with a maturity that is beyond your four years of age.  I am so very proud of you.

Overall, this year has been a wonderful one.  My little baby girl is pretty much gone, but she has been replaced by an amazing little girl.  You bring a smile to my face every day.  (And often times some frustration or anger, but that's to be expected from a 4 year old.)  Four years ago, you totally changed my life and who I was as a person.  But the change was all for the better.  I have loved every minute of it!

Love you, Ladybug!

* For some reason, I couldn't figure out how to move the picture to the beginning or end of the post.  When I asked Dan for help, he said to leave it.  Abby loves to be smack dab in the middle of things.  She would appreciate the placement.  So, there the picture will stay.  

Friday, November 4, 2011

Better late than never: Halloween

I'm sorry it's taken me a few days to post these.  (A special sorry to Mom and Mary, who have both subtly and not so subtly mentioned this.) Starting Halloween night, Austin came down with a nasty cold and a blocked ear tube which lead to an ear infection.  Needless to say, he's been kind of cranky.

Anyway.  We had planned on taking both kids out for a few houses, then bringing Austin home.  It was pouring rain and 40 degrees.  So, Abby and Daddy went out with a neighbor, while Austin and I stayed home to hand out candy.  (Austin lasted for exactly one trick-or-treater before climbing the stairs yelling, "Ni-Ni!")

After a few trips around the block, our Sleeping Beauty was Soaking Beauty, but she had a blast.  She changed into warm clothes, and was excited to hand out candy to the kids that came to the door.  Since Halloween, she has been slowly working her way through her candy.*  So far, she does not like anything chocolate except for peanut butter cups and M&Ms.  Though, if you told her there was chocolate in them, she would probably declare them "yuck" as well.  She's stubborn like that.

I apologize for the lack of photos.  Mickey Mouse was none to pleased with his outfit or hat.  Sleeping Beauty just wanted to get going, not pose for pictures.

* I am not one of those Mom's who throw/give the candy away.  At least as of now.  She's pretty good at following the 2 pieces after nap and 2 pieces after dinner rule.  We'll see what happens as the amount of candy and her desire to eat it all increases.  

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oh, Boy.

I thought I had a few more years before this started, but no.  My daughter (who, remember, will be 4 next month) has a boyfriend.

It all started a few weeks ago at a birthday party for two girls in Abby's class.  The theme was princesses and pirates, and my daughter (shocker!) was dressed as a princess.  Things started out normally.  She was playing with her girl friends from school, running all over the playground.  I was chatting with Mom friends and taking care of Austin, so I had half an eye on Abby.  Just enough to make sure she was safe, but not really paying close attention to what she was doing.*   When I did start watching Abby, I noticed she was playing with a little boy from her class, Flynn.**

It was unusual to Abby playing with only boys, so I decided to watch for a bit.  They danced together.  They chased each other.  They went down the side-by-side slide together.  Abby was telling Flynn what to do, and he was happily chasing behind her.

As the party was wrapping up and we were getting ready to leave, Abby stopped suddenly.  Then she looked at me and said:

"Wait, mom!  I have to go find Flynn.  I can't leave without hugging my prince!"

And off she ran.  Laughing I followed her, to share this cuteness with Flynn's parents.  I told them what she said, and they looked at me with a surprised look and said not only did Abby hug Flynn, she also kissed him.

Kissed him!

When I asked Abby about it later, the conversation went like this:

"Abby, did you kiss Flynn?"

shyly "Yes."

"Was that the first time you kissed a boy?"

"No, I kiss my Daddy."

"Was that the first time you kissed a boy that was not family?"

"Yeah." shoulder shrug "It was kinda special."

In the car, I asked if she liked Flynn.  She thought for a minute and said, "Well.  I kinda love him."

So this continued for a few weeks,  (Thankfully there was no hugging or hand holding at school.)  At the fall festival (which was at the same playground) they were inseparable  They held hands as the went down the slide and ran across the playground.  She played with his hood; he messed with her hair.  He left before we did, so Abby did not give another kiss.*** 

Fast forward to this morning.  She's again in her costume (for show and tell) and on the way to school when she sighs and says, "Mom.  I really hope that Flynn thinks I look pretty in my dress."

I thought I had a few more years til this started.  But no.  My daughter is full on boy crazy.****

If she is starting this early, what in the world will she be like in her teen years ?!?

*Before your judge: we were at an enclosed playground that she was very familiar with.  The only people there were parents and kids from the party.  She was fine. 
** Obviously, his name is not really Flynn.  I don't really know his parents, and don't know how they'd feel about their kid being talked about publicly..So, I'll refer to him by the name of Abby's other crush, Flynn Ryder.  
***She was upset by this.  She kept asking why Flynn left before she could kiss him goodbye.
****I haven't even told you about the time she told her doctor he was handsome or the 8 year old boy she was flirting with on a family walk.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Breakfast at the Salgado house

A glimpse into a typical morning in our house....

"Abby, what would you like for breakfast?"

"I don't WAAANNT breakfast."

"Abby, what would you like for breakfast? Waffles, toast, toaster strudel, yogurt....?"

"FINE!  Just yogurt.  ONLY yogurt."

I put her yogurt on the table.

"Mom!  I WAAANNNT waffles!"

I give her the look.

"Please can I have waffles with my yogurt?"

I fix waffles and put them on the table.

"I DON'T WAAANNNT waffles.  I am NOT going to eat them!"

I feed Austin the waffles.  He happily eats them.

The End.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Austin: 1 year


Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!

I can hardly believe you are a year old today.  It seems this year has gone by way too fast, but it has been amazing.  You have brought so much joy into this family; no matter what else was going on, you were always smiling.  It's hard to have a bad day when you look at us with those big blue eyes and wide smile.  Even your sister has a hard time resisting your laughter and we are truly a more complete package with you around.

As this day approached, your baby-ness has been slowly fading.  While you're still not quite walking, you are a very fast crawler and cruiser.  In this last month, you've even started trying to stand without holding on to anything.  So far your only able to last a second or two before grabbing something or falling on your bottom, but it's a step in the right direction!

When you're not trying to walk, one of your favorite things to do while standing is to dance.  Anytime you hear music, you stand up and start to bounce.  Even when there's no music, you something start to "sing" and dance to your own beat.  It is quite adorable.

Last month we introduced whole milk, and you took to it like a champ.  Once you mastered your sippy cup (which only took a few days) you were drinking as much as we would give you and never looked back.  As a result, our weaning process went a little quicker than expected.  It was hard for me, but you were ready.  We had a few tantrums in the beginning, but once you figured out what was going on you were fine.  In order to still get my snuggles in, we've altered our bedtime routine a bit and added a few songs.

In addition to the milk, you've tried all kinds of new foods this month.  So far, you like pretty much everything. Except for Grandma's macaroni and cheese.  We'll keep trying on that one though, I have a feeling you'll grow to like it just as much as I do.  Tonight we gave you your first slice of pizza to celebrate your big day.  Thankfully, you loved it!  (Had you not, we might have had to check your DNA.  We're a big pizza family.)

Another big change this month has been your speech.  Recently you learned, "uh-oh!"  Not only do you love to say it when you drop something on accident, you love to say it as you throw something.  As cute as this is, it makes the "throw things so Mommy picks them up" game a much more lengthy process.  You also say it when you just wake up.  I love watching you in the monitor as you wake up, stand up, throw your paci out of the crib, and then yell, "UH-OH!" over and over until I come get you.

This past weekend, we had your birthday party.  It was a small get-together of close friends and family, but you hammed it up as usual.  Though you weren't sure what to thing in the beginning, you quickly dove into your cake and make a giant mess.  You also loved all your presents and happily played with all of them right away.  It was overall a wonderful day.

I've been a little emotional these past few days, anticipating your birthday.  I thought for sure I'd be a mess today.  However, this morning I woke up to, "Ma-ma-ma" and when I went in the room, you gave me one of your big smiles, raised your arms are said, "MaMa!"  I melted.  You were in such a happy mood today, I couldn't help but match the enthusiasm.  You have become such a wonderful little boy.  I have truly loved every minute of this last year, and cannot wait to see what lies ahead.

Happy birthday my sweet, sweet boy!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Austin: 11 months


This is my second to last letter.  Next month, you will be one.  Please excuse me for a minute while I go cry...

Since last month, you've gotten even faster with your crawling and you've also started cruising.  You typically pull up on something (the table, couch, me, even the tv) and try to take a few steps while holding on.  Then, you realize crawling is much more effective and drop to your hands and knees.  You hustle to wherever it is you want to be and stand again.  It is tiresome just to watch, let alone try to keep up with you!  Whenever you do "walk" a bit using a push toy or our hands for support, you seem quite proud of yourself; so I'm torn between thinking you'll be walking any day now and thinking it will take you a while longer.*

Now that you can get anywhere faster than I can keep up, you have discovered the stairs.  You usually get stuck after climbing 2 stairs, but you have no fear in diving back down.  Rest assured, gates are being installed  any day now.  Usually, you head for the stairs when Daddy is upstairs (and then you crawl while yelling "DaDa!") or when you hear Abby waking up (then you yell "Ay-yah!").

Speaking of speaking...your vocabulary has really increased since last month.  Added to Dada, Ay-ya (Abby) and MaMa, you now consistently say Ni-Ni (night, night), mum (yum or food), and my personal favorite a-da! (all done).  You use that last one quite frequently: diaper changes, meal time, when we've been in the car too long, or shopping.

I think one of the main reasons for the increase in talking/babbling** is that your ears are no longer bothering you.  After one too many ear infections, we took you in for tubes.  You did marvelously.  The hardest part of the whole thing was keeping you entertained in a hospital bed for 1 1/2 hours.***  I think the best part of the tubes (aside from you not being sick anymore) is that you sleep now.  YOU SLEEP.  THROUGH THE WHOLE NIGHT!!  You get up at 5AM most mornings, but still.  THERE IS NO SCREAMING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!!! It's about time.  Thank you SO much.****

Since you were in the middle of one of those pesky ear infections last month, we hadn't experimented much with food.  This month, however, you are a pro.  Gone is the baby food.  Now, we feed you from the table and I love it.  I still give you the "toddler" snacks/puffs, but for the most part you eat what we do.  I shouldn't be surprised, but so far you like just about everything.  You're not too sold on bananas, but will eat them if there is no other fruit option.  Just tonight we discovered your love of broccoli after your stuffed every last bit in your mouth without throwing anything on the floor.*****

With the food, also came the milk.  I started introducing whole milk in a sippy cup a week or so ago, and you seemed to do pretty well with it.  I've been increasing the amounts slowly and tonight you drank almost the whole cup.  So, as of tomorrow we are starting to wean.  You're only nursing three times a day right now, but I am officially cutting out the middle one.  I'm conflicted.  You were not the easiest child to nurse, but I still love it.  I'm going to miss those baby blues staring into mine while I hold you.  However, I will not miss the squirming, kicking, pinching and biting.

So.  Eleven months.  Next month you will be one.  My baby is almost no longer a baby.  As I mourn the loss of your babyhood, I also cherish each new skill and moment with you.

I love you so much,

*Because of the whole speed crawling thing.  By the way, have I mentioned you crawl like a bulldog?  You turn your hands inward and move then with such purpose and force.  It is adorable.
**The last few days you've making making a sound kinda like "tuck"  I have no idea what it means (I don't think it's the obvious "truck") but you love the sound and keep making it.
***Why?  Why must hospitals insist on giving us the first slot of the day, and still make us sit there forever?!?
****I totally just jinxed myself, didn't I?
*****We could feed a small African nation with the amount of food you throw on the floor.  

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Austin: 10 months


Well kid, you've officially existed outside of my belly for longer than you were in there.  10 months! Where has the time gone?!?

Last month you'd figured out the whole crawling thing, but this month you've mastered it.  You are quite fast and are able to move around anywhere you want (which usually means you are bee-lining for whatever cord or outlet you can find).  I am thrilled with your progress, but man, am I exhausted.  I always laughed at celebrities who said they kept fit by chasing around their little ones.  While I still think they're full of it, I can see what they mean:  I have lost 3lbs since I've had to start running after you!

Along with making sure those pesky cords are out of your eyesight, I've also had to start making sure tables and couches are clear because you can pull up on just about anything now.  Sometimes you get stuck on your knees, but you are happy to reach and bounce around anyway.  You have even tried to stand while crawling, without the aid of something to hold onto.  Usually you get up on your hands and toes (think downward dog) before you realize it's not quite going to work yet.  I'm sure it's just a matter of time before your running around.

Not only do you love to pull up, but you LOVE to climb.  Whenever I sit on the floor, you hustle on over to try and climb over my lap.  When you get to the other side, you laugh and climb back over again.  You've even tried to climb the stairs- which means I really need to get my butt in gear and get gates up!

This month we took our annual vacation to the Outer Banks, and introduced you to the beach.  Like your Momma, you preferred the pool.  I think the heat and sun on the beach was just a bit much for you, as you only lasted 15-20 minutes before you started to get really fussy and sleepy.  Regardless, you tested the ocean (and cried) and ate some sand.  Pretty typical for baby's first beach trip.

Last month you tried bread, and we really haven't moved much past that.  You had a pretty bad ear infection that hindered your table food for a few days and we haven't wanted to push the table foods too much.  You've tried grilled cheese (eh.), bananas (yuck), various types of bread (yum), puffs (yum on most, yuck on banana puffs), and pasta (threw it all on the floor).  However, you're favorite food by far is peanut butter sandwiches.  You can down an entire 1/2 sandwich in no time, and do so everyday for lunch.  We'll continue to try more foods as we go, and hopefully we can expand your palate!*

You continue to amaze me with your development, and I love watching you learn everyday.  The other day we had a family playdate with some friends, and you had a blast playing!  The little boy is 14months, but you were chasing him and copying every step of the way.  It must be a boy-thing, but you both sat there and rammed cars into each other and threw things.  It was so cute!

I only have two more of these letters to write and I cannot believe you are almost one.  You are such a sweet, loving, fun little boy!

I love you, Buddy,

*Your sister has always been a good eater.  However, I get the impression you are more like your Daddy and are going to drive me nuts food-wise.  

Monday, July 18, 2011

Austin: 9 Months


I almost forgot this month's letter, but I have a valid excuse.  We moved this past weekend, and for the first time since you've been born, you have a new room that is only yours.  You don't have to share it with Mommy, Daddy or a computer and a TV.  It is blue, it has enough room for your dresser, crib and glider, and it is AWESOME.  Now, if you'd just sleep through the night in it, we'd be golden*

Where you had an uneventful month last month, this one was filled with new adventures.  You have been babbling up a storm, working on all kinds of new sounds.  In fact, after nap one day you looked at your Daddy and said "DaDa."  You then smiled and reached for him.**

Another new trick this month is crawling (OMG your mobile! OH, NO!)  You've been working on rolling/scooting backwards/shifting all month and had gotten pretty good at maneuvering yourself around.  Then, this morning you crawled 2 feet to get a hold of the tv remote.  You were so excited and have repeated your trick many times since.  Before long, I'll be chasing you everywhere!

You've also started to try pulling yourself up.  Your gigantic tree stump legs have made things a little difficult, but I assume you'll have it down in no time! 

Speaking of your size, you're still a big boy but are starting to level out a a little bit.  (At least that's what the doctor said at your 9 month check.  26lbs 11oz sounds like a gigantic baby, but it means there's more to squeeze.)  I thought for sure I'd get a lecture, but the doctor actually told me it's time for table food and a sippy cup.  You tried a little bit of bread tonight and really liked it, so I'm sure I'll have some good stories next month. 

Since this is the 9 month mark, I asked the doctor (again) about your eyes.  As expected, he confirmed your baby blues are there to stay. :)  You have one happy Momma.  Especially since your eyes are known to stop passerby in the grocery store and Target. 

It has been such a fun month, but a busy one.  I can't wait to see how you do with all the new space we have in the new house.  I'm off to unpack more toys!

*You're currently working on your top two teeth and I think they are giving you quite a bit of trouble.  That and all the changes this week have made for a lot of clinginess.  However, that means lots of hugs for Mommy, so I can deal..
** DaDa was your sister's first word too.  While, I love hearing you speak (I missed it with Abby), I would love to hear Mama at some point soon.  You are such a Mommy's boy, and you say DaDa first?!?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Austin: 8 months


Eight months.  How is the time passing so quickly?  You are growing so much, and those "baby" days seem so far behind us.

For example, you have teeth!  Two of them! 

Well, they've just started to poke through, but they are definitely there.  They've caused a little trouble, in that you've had a tough time sleeping (then again, when have you not had trouble sleeping?) and you've had a few moments of fussiness.   By that I mean, you had one day where you were clingy and a day or two where you fussed a little around dinner time.  I felt so bad for you because I knew you had to be in pain if you were fussing.  You are usually so happy and easy, it was hard to see you unhappy.  Thankfully, it only lasted for a little bit and those teeth are through. 

You can't quite figure out these new things in your mouth.  Lately, you've been playing with your mouth quite a bit: sticking out your tongue, sucking on your lip, and making chomping motions.  You know something is different, and it's quite funny watching you figure it out. 

Since you have these new chompers, I thought we'd try puffs and cheerios for the first time.  A few ugly faces and some gagging later (because you didn't like how they felt on your tongue, you weren't choking) I gave up.  We will try again later.  In the mean time, I still put them on your tray but only because you enjoy banging on them and trying to pick them up. 

You've always been good at picking things up and using your motor skills, but this month you've discovered the oh so fun game of throwing things.  You love to throw toys and wait for me to pick them up so you can throw them again.  I've started attaching things with links, just to make it a little easier. This new throwing skill has come in handy when you're playing on the floor though.  Once you've thrown all your toys out of your sitting reach, you've figured out how to fall backwards or sideways and roll onto your back.  Through various rolls and backwards scooting, your can usually get to whatever you need.  The crawling hasn't started yet, but you are still trying so hard!

I kinda feel like I don't have much to say this month.  I could go on (again) about how happy you are, and how much you love to smile, laugh and cuddle, but I feel like I keep saying that over and over again.  It's such a strange thing for two such cynical parents to witness, but it's the way your are and we're getting used to it.  It's actually kinda nice to have such a bright spot in our days.  This month has been stressful (we bought a house!) and I've had to spend a lot of time running errands and making phone calls, but you've been perfectly happy tagging along and playing on the floor of various places. 

You make it so easy to love you.  You truly are a wonderful addition to our family.

Love you,

PS- This is will be my second to last mention about your eyes, seeing as next month is that 9month mark the doctor talked to me about.  It would be some really weird genetic twist if your baby blues suddenly changed at this point, but I feel I must mention it.  Though, if it did happen, you would have one sad Mommy.  Not that I wouldn't love your eyes regardless, but the bright blue fits your personality so well!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Abby, Minnie and Daisy-Mouse

Abby is very much like her Daddy.  She looks like him, she thinks like him, she acts like him.  Basically, she is a mini-Dan, just in the female version.  Often times this leads to the two bashing heads (I call them my two rams) but often this leads to them feeding off each other and it's quite funny. 

There's not much she got from me, except for her creativity.  Dan is missing this gene.  I, however, am quite creative and theatrical.  Abby is also quite imaginative.  But, back to me for a minute.  My brother and sister weren't born until I was 8 and 10, and it was just Mom and I until I was 6.  So I had to use my imagination a lot.  I never had an imaginary friend, but I did become one.  I had an old wooden step stool that I would put on my back, then crawl around the house on my hands and knees pretending to be a cat.  My name was Snowball.  When the step stool was on my back, I would only purr.  I rubbed my back on furniture and drank water from a bowl on the floor.  (I never really thought it was all that strange until I started typing this.  Oh well..  Full disclosure.)  This cat routine went on until I was 7 or so. 

So, on to Abby.  She's at that "imaginary friend" age, but just like her Momma, she's doing it with a twist.  Abby's imaginary friends are babies.  There's anywhere from one to three of them depending on the day (Abby, Minnie and Daisy-Mouse).  The twist?  They are in her belly.

Yep.  My daughter has imaginary babies in her belly.  They talk to her and kick her.  They even have food preferences.  (they don't like mexican pasta or pineapples or whatever else Abby doesn't want to eat)  She talks at length about how long they are going to be growing there and when they will be coming out.  She loves to talk about how she'll take care of them when they are out as well.*

While I don't necessarily encourage all this, I do ask her questions and talk to her about her babies when she brings them up.  I feel it's key to feed this imaginative play.  Though, it's a little strange when Abby tells random people at the grocery store and Target that Austin is my baby and her babies are still in her belly.  (Austin's smiles stop people in the aisles and they usually ask Abby about "her baby")

It's not the most conventional of imaginary friends, but then again her Mommy was a cat.

*My psycho-analysis says this ultimately why these babies are around.  Abby sees me taking care of Austin, and feeling left out, wants to take care of someone too.  She wants to help so bad, but is just too young to care for Austin.  She'll take care of "her babies" instead.
** I would also like to point out that a number of Abby's school friends and one of her favorite teachers are pregnant.  I assume that has also triggered all of this lately. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Abby "reads" aloud

Abby got some new books on Tuesday that have pictures next to some of the words to help children "read."  (I didn't know this to be the case when I ordered them from Scholastic.  I just knew she liked Olivia.)  After three days and a dozen readings she is enjoying "reading" her new books aloud.

*I would just like to point out that in no way am I pushing my 3 1/2 year old to read.  She just loves books.  Dan and I are both big readers, Mamaw worked in a library for many years and Grandma was a kindergarten teacher.  With all that influence, how could she not?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Austin: 7 months


Your 7th month of life had two major themes: eating and sleeping.  I'll compare it to the old saying about the month of March, this month came "in like and lion, out like a lamb."

At the end of last month you were pretty sick and not sleeping very well.  After you got over your croup/RSV/ear infection, we had hoped to get back to sleep training.  You, my son, had other ideas.  No matter what we tried, you fought it.  Finally, after an appointment with your pediatrician, we let you cry it out.  As in, put you to sleep at 6:30PM and left you in your crib until 6:30AM.  We were very nervous, but you did pretty well and kept doing better until 3 days later you slept through the night.  YOU ACTUALLY SLEPT ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! It. Was. AWESOME.  You, amazingly, repeated your new trick for the next few nights.*

So, after many months, and many, many sleepless nights, we've all gotten a little bit of real sleep. 

You're other theme for the month was food.  Last month you'd gotten a pretty good handle on rice cereal, and were really enjoying it.  I was quite excited to try fruits and veggies.  I even made a whole bunch of squash and sweet potato baby food myself (closely supervised by your big sister).  I thought for sure you'd take to food right away.  WRONG.  See for yourself:

Thinking you were just not a veggie fan, I tried pears.  Your face was pretty much the same.  So, I tried mixing a few bites of pears into your beloved rice cereal.  Success!  I've since tried this trick with the rest of the food choices, and you LOVE it.  You're now gobbling down two meals a day, of whatever I give you.  You're not a huge fan of bananas, but you are quite excited for everything else.  Meal time has become a lot of fun.

Though it was a big part, this month hasn't been all sleep and food.  There's been the usual smiles, laughter and banging of toys.  Oh, and there's this:

Maybe I'll be talking about your crawling next month? Regardless, I'm loving every minute of you.


PS- Still blue.  As we spend more time outdoors, I'm curious to see if your skin matches those eyes.  I've been really careful about sunscreen, hats and shade.  If you do have my skin, I know how quickly you'll burn.

*You did relapse a little last night, but I'm hoping it's just a little blip.  A growth spurt maybe?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Austin: 6 months

Happy 1/2 Birthday!

Let me pause to wipe away the tears....

Ok. I must admit I've had a hard time writing this letter. Not just because I can't believe how quickly it's all gone, but because I've been so busy taking care of you to write a letter to the future, virtual you. You've had a rough week, complete with your first late night trip to the ER What started as a cold turned into croup which turned into RSV. Which is where we are now. Unfortunately there's not much we can do for you other than run your humidifier and cuddle you. The good news, it that you are still the same happy kid and are pretty active and smiley in between the coughing fits.

The main downside to this whole sick thing has been your sleeping. We had started this month off by weaning your from your swaddling blanket and then trying to get you to sleep through the night again. However, with the illness all of the sleep training has gone out the window and I'm sure we'll have to start over again once your healthy. I'm ok with this. I'm happy to cuddle and feed you whenever you need it right now, anything to help you get better.

When we finally got you out of the swaddling blanket, I discovered yet another characteristic we have in common: we sleep the same way. You are most comfortable (and sleep the deepest) when you are on your side, with your giraffe between your arms and and one leg bent over. (picture an upside down 4 hugging a stuffed animal) It makes me smile. It's also quite handy to know just how to position you to calm you down when I need to get you back to sleep.

Though it seems a lot of this month revolved around your sleeping habits (or lack thereof), you also learned the important exciting skill of sitting up by yourself. I think this is one of my favorite baby stages; and, I love to sit on the floor with you and watch as you play with your toys. You favorite toys are the ones that either make a lot of noise (drums, singing flowers, snail) or things that you can easily grab and bang other toys to make noise (football). Then again you also love the remote, your stuffed animals and the teddy bear thingy that spins when you push the top. So, basically, you love toys. And you love to make noise. And bang on things.

Oh, such a boy you are.

You also still love to move. We bought you a walker toy for when we're outside playing with the neighborhood kids. It took you a little while to figure it out, but you've kinda figured out how to move now. It is hilarious.

Last month I wrote about out disastrous first attempt at rice cereal. Seeing as your almost six months, we tried again last week and I'm happy to report you are taking to it much better this time. In fact, you LOVE it. After a recent feeding, you got really mad for the first time. You really wanted more food, but for the sake of your sensitive tummy I wouldn't give it to you. There was a whole new kinda cry coming out of your mouth.*

Despite the rough patches this month, you've still been so much fun. This first six months has flown by, and I can't wait to see what's to come in the next six!

Love you,

PS- At this point, I feel it is obligatory to mention your eyes are still blue. They are so blue, that they are the first thing people mention about you. Next is usually your smile.

* By the way, have I ever mentioned that when your hungry your cry sounds like MaMa? It's convenient because hearing you yell "Mmmmmaaah Maaahhh!" is a sure fire way to get me to give you whatever you want. You totally have me wrapped around your little finger.

A Sibling Moment

Before Austin was born, my Aunt Sandy gave Abby a pretty silver and purple bracelet that says "Big Sister."  It's a little big for her, so we only let her wear it around the house but she loves to pull it out and try it on from time to time.

This morning, while I was doing the breakfast dishes, Abby was entertaining Austin in his walker.  All of the sudden, she came running in the kitchen and got her bracelet.  She went over to Austin and said:

 "Austin, this is my big sister bracelet.  It is very special to me, because you are my best friend."

Austin responded by giving her a big smile, a happy yell and some jumping.

 It was a good thing I was doing dishes, because the running water masked my tears.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rice Cereal- Round 2

We tried rice cereal with Austin a while back, but it resulted in much screaming and tummy issues. After three days, we stopped and decided to wait until he was six months. Well, that date is around the corner (HOLY CRAP! HOW IS MY KID ALMOST 6 MONTHS OLD!!!!) so we started again yesterday. Thankfully, so far, things seem to be going much better tummy wise.

However, Austin has developed an interesting eating method:

1) Open mouth for a bite of cereal.
2) Shove fist in mouth.
3) Suck on thumb.
4) Take hand out of mouth and rub spit and cereal all over head.
5) Bang said hand on the high chair tray with mouth open until Mom gives another bite.
6) Repeat.

I will spare you pictures, but trust me it is gross.

Sigh. Boys.

The Hug Signal

When Dan and I were dating, we came up with "The Hug Signal." I don't remember why or how it started but, basically, when one of us holds our arms open wide, the other is required to stop what they are doing and give the other a hug. We've used it when we we're arguing, when we're happy and Dan loves to use it when I'm happily sitting on the couch watching TV and he's all the way across the room. He thinks this is funny. Dan and I have been doing this for years, but have never mentioned it to Abby.

This morning Austin was napping and Abby was watching a movie since she's been sick this week. I was trying to use this short window of time when both kids were occupied to pick up a little. When I passed by Abby she had her arms out, but it looked like she was just dancing. (there was also some twirling going on) I continued past her to put things away. Abby then looked at me, opened her arms wide and said, "Hey!" I stopped and asked if she was giving the hug signal. She just smiled.

The Hug Signal is like the Bat Signal: you cannot ignore it. No matter how busy or mad.

So even though I had a whole lot of things to do and not a whole lot of time, I stopped. And I hugged. I pulled Abby on my lap and hugged. We stayed this way, watching Sleeping Beauty, for about 15 minutes before Austin woke up.

For 15 wonderful minutes, we just hugged. No talking, no cleaning, just hugging.

The Hug Signal has always been a big part of Dan and my relationship (my maid of honor even talked about it in her toast at our wedding) but it was really awesome to share it with Abby. Though all the craziness that life brings, she's seen her mom and dad stop what they were doing and hug, and she learned from watching.

We taught our daughter that sometimes, you just have to stop and hug. How cool is that?!?

Friday, March 18, 2011

The most magical place on Earth.

We've been back from Disney for a week now, and I think we're almost fully recovered. (We came back with two sick little ones- mostly from exhaustion.) Both kids did great on the car ride down, Abby watched a lot of movies, and both kids slept. (We left at 1pm and got there around midnight.)

In order to avoid the 9,000 questions, we chose not to tell Abby we were going to Disney. Instead we told her we were going to Orlando to visit her Aunt Linda. After last year, we made her a little photo album so she was familiar with the sights. On Sunday, we took her over to Downtown Disney to buy hats for the kids. When she rounded the corner and saw the statue of Sleeping Beauty, she stopped and yelled, "We're in DISNEY WORLD!" It was a great moment, reminiscent of the times my parents surprised my brother and sister with trips. I always knew since I was so much older, but my sister took a little longer and never figured it out until we were in line for Dumbo.
Monday morning we headed over to the Magic Kingdom, but got a bit of late start. I had also forgotten that everyone who goes to Disney starts with the Magic Kingdom, so it was SUPER crowded. As a result we didn't get much done beyond Dumbo, the Teacups and the Carousel. I was a tad bit disappointed, but Abby seemed happy.
Tuesday, however, we got to the park right as it opened and with a plan. We hightailed it over to Mickey then across the park to the Princesses. From there, it was 9:30 and I got in line for Rapunzel and Flynn with Austin. Turns out, we were one of the last people in line for the 11:15 meeting session. Since Austin needed to eat and nap, I hung out with a line of grandmothers while Dan and Abby went to the Buzz ride, more Teacups, the Carousel, and Small World. Though the line was long, it was totally worth it to see Abby dance with Flynn and Rapunzel. Around this time we were all getting tired, so went back to Linda's for a nap.Later that afternoon, we went back to do a few more rides and see the light parade. Abby will tell you that one of her favorite parts of the trip was blowing bubbles with the little girl sitting next to us on Main Street, but it was also where Austin experienced his favorite part of the trip. He was almost asleep, but woke right up at all the lights and music. He was mesmerized and stayed alert through the whole thing. (On a side note: We had gotten food for while we were waiting and Abby had asked for a lemonade. When she took a sip, she said "eeew! This lemonade is SPICY!" We looked at her funny and Dan took a sip. Turns out, it was Sprite. We've been laughing about spicy lemonade ever since.)

Tuesday was one of the most perfect days our family has had. It was full of great memories, a ton of laughter and a whole lot of fun. Dan and I couldn't get over how well it all went.

Wednesday, we went to Animal Kingdom with the rest of my family (Mom, Dad, Jordan and Kelsey). We had seen most of the key characters at the Magic Kingdom, but were missing Goofy, Pluto and Donald. We lucked out by starting our day with Pooh, Eeyore, Goofy and Pluto. We then headed over to Camp Mickey and saw Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Thumper and Chip and Dale. Characters = done. I was quite happy and could have almost* ended my day there. We did a few more rides and wrapped up our day around three.
The rest of our time there was spent hanging out with family and swimming. We had a BLAST. By the time it was over, we were all exhausted and a little cranky. The car ride home was a little rough, but we made it. After a few hours at home, the kids and I left Saturday night for Richmond. My dear friend is getting married in August and I went to his fiance's shower. I would HAVE not have done that for many other people on this Earth, but that's another story.

Whoosh! Disney was wonderful, but are so glad to be home.

* I say "almost" because I still had to ride the roller coaster with my brother. He has never been able to live down his fear of all things that drop. The last time we were at Disney together (15 years ago or so) he cried, pleaded, begged and even prayed the entire 45 minutes we waited for Splash Mountain. It was one of the most pathetic things you've ever seen. (sorry, bud!) Fast forward to now, he promised my sister and I that he would go on the coaster. He did, though he was very stone faced the entire time and gripped the lap bar with one hand and the front of the car with the other. He did it, though. I was proud, but not proud enough to ever let him live down the Splash Mountain tale.

Austin: 5 months


Last month, I mentioned you would be rolling over any day now, and sure enough you did! In fact, the day after I posted the last update, you were playing on the floor at Grandma and Grandpa's and one second you were happily playing on your tummy and the next second you were on your back laughing at yourself. Grandpa and I made a big deal out of it (Grandma and Abby were in the basement) and put you back on your tummy. You then repeated your new trick 3 times, but as soon as I broke out the camera, you stopped. The next day you rolled 2 more times, but then we couldn't get you to do it again. That is, until yesterday. Without any help, you decided you'd had enough of being on your tummy and pushed yourself over, again laughing. You've repeated your trick a few more times, so hopefully it will stick around this time. Then again, you really love tummy time, so who knows?

In fact, when you are playing on your belly, you've figured out how to move around in a circle to reach all the toys on your playmat. A few times, you even figured out how to scoot forward. This particular skill has so far been reserved for your sister. Your toys aren't enough to get you scooting, but if Abby is showing you a toy or reading you a book, you try your hardest to go to her. This isn't too surprising, seeing as you LOVE your big sister. You will follow her around the room with your eyes and just a look from Abby can get you giggling. Your relationship is one of the things that makes me so happy to see!

Your other new trick this month, is blowing raspberries. It's very messy, but you are so proud and think it's hilarious. A few times, you've stopped in the middle of a feeding to look at me and spit. After a big smile and a laugh, you finish eating. We have also woken up to this joyous sound in the middle of the night.

Speaking of the middle of the night, we've seen a lot more of each other in the wee hours than we used to. I would like that to stop please. I love seeing your smile, but I would also like some more sleep. We tried a little bit of rice cereal hoping to get you to sleep longer, but you weren't quite ready for it. In fact, it had the opposite effect and you were up every 1 1/2h for a few nights with an upset tummy. We'll revisit food next month.

Of course, the biggest event this month was your first trip to Disney World! We took you on the carousal, The Pirates of the Caribbean, Small World and the Animal Safari at Animal Kingdom. You slept through most of them, but really enjoyed them when you were awake. Your favorite part by far, was the light parade at the Magic Kingdom. You were almost asleep when it started and your eyes got huge as the first big float passed by. For the rest of the parade, you held my hand and sat wide eyed. Whenever there was a break in floats, you'd look up and me and then start waving and kicking when you saw the next one. Overall the trip was wonderful, and you handled everything really well.

While in Orlando, you also got to meet your Great-Aunt Linda and go swimming in her pool. You really loved both of these things!

Gone are the days of infancy, and here are the days of baby-hood. You're trying to sit on your own and are quickly moving through your developmental stages. I can't believe how quickly it's all going!

You are SO much fun!


P.S.- Not only do you have my blue eyes, fair skin and light hair, but you also seem to have a lot of my personality traits. It's so neat to see my own self reflected in you.

Friday, March 11, 2011


I ran a mile today.

I, Caroline Salgado, RAN A MILE!!

A whole one. Outside. Without stopping, or even slowing down.

And you know what? It wasn't that bad.

Go me!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My BIG boy

Austin had his four month check this morning, and he's big and healthy.

Height: 26 in (80th percentile)
Weight: 20 lbs (100th+ percentile)
Head: 43 1/4 cm (75th percentile)

Yep, you read that right. My FOUR month old is TWENTY pounds!!

Usually they recommend waiting until closer to 6 months before starting a breastfed baby on food, but they told me I needed to feed my boy some rice cereal. I cried.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to start the next step, but it is also the first step in my little boy not relying solely on me for food. Yes, I know this is crazy and that we'll still be nursing for quite some time, but sniff.

So, rice cereal it is. We'll start Monday so we can use it for his weekly picture. I'm trying to look at the bright side and am hoping this will solve his night wakings. He was such a good sleeper, but has been waking every four hours STARVING for the last few weeks.

Excuse me, I need to go cry in a corner.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Go, Caroline, Go!

I really didn't want to go to the gym this morning, but I had set some goals for myself so I went. For the first time in my short exercising history, I actually felt good when I finished. Not just sweaty and gross (though i was certainly both of those), but good in a "go, me!" kinda way.

Wow. So this is why people do this!

Anyway, about those goals. I know I've talked about my love/hate relationship with the exercising before, but I don't think I've actually said just how little exercise I've done in my life. In my 30 years of life, I have never run a mile. I haven't even gotten close.

I was the queen of excuses in school and faked many a twisted ankle to get out of running the mile. The one time a teacher told me I HAD to run it in under 12 minutes, I walked it in "11 min, 59 seconds." However, I'm pretty sure that was just what she told me.

When I was pregnant with Austin, I told myself I was actually going to run. I've always wanted to be the kind of person who could just "go out for a run," and I was going to try and do it. So, I told myself I'd run 1 mile by the time we got back from Disney and a 5k by the time Austin turned 1.

We leave for Disney March 6th, so my deadline is fast approaching. The most I've run so far is 4, 4 minutes intervals with 2 minutes of walking in between. That was today. I'll keep you posted on my progress!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Austin: 4 months


Four months! And what a fun month it has been. You're personality is really starting to come through, and you are such a sweet little boy.

Your latest trick is giving "snuggles." If I'm holding you up on my shoulder and ask for "snuggles," you instantly wrap one arm around my shoulder, one arm around my neck and nuzzle in. Usually, this hug is followed by a big, wet, sloppy baby kiss and a big beautiful smile.


You've also started talking a lot more and are using your voice to get our attention, not just making random sounds. We've had a lot of interesting and long conversations lately, even though I have no idea what you're trying to tell me.

As this month has gone on, you're getting closer and closer to rolling over. When on your stomach, you can now scoot in a circle and have tried really hard to roll. So far, you can throw your arms over or kick your legs over, but you can't seem to do both at the same time. Hopefully, you'll figure it out any day now.

Speaking of moving, you've learned how to scoot around in your crib. While you used to be an amazing sleeper at night, this new moving skill has you waking up every four hours. Several times, I've gone into your room to find you with your legs hanging out of the crib and your miracle blanket totally undone. I ordered you a bigger swaddling blanket, so hopefully this will help contain you and we can both go back to sleeping through the night.

On one more developmental note, you have mastered the very useful skill of putting things in your mouth. Whenever we give you a toy, or even our finger, it goes immediately in your mouth for a big chomp! Your Dad thinks I'm jumping the gun, but this combined with the drooling (oh, the drool!) and your constantly red cheeks, makes me think you might be working on some teeth. So far, this doesn't seem to bother you too much, but you have cried out a few times after biting down on something. Thankfully, all you really need is a hug for comfort and an occasional dose of Tylenol.

You are a ton of fun, and I love you so much! I can't wait to see what each new day holds!


PS- Though the doctor says your eyes can still change until 9 months (thus I will keep up the updates), they are a very blue and look a lot like mine did when I was younger. That, combined with the fair skin and the blond hair coming in, makes me think you'll have my coloring and the blue eyes will stick around for good!

Monday, February 14, 2011

I was wrong.

If you read this blog or are friends with me on facebook, chances are you've seen me hem and haw over my cellphone. I was very sick of my blackberry and had great phone envy of all those around me with new phones. Particularly, I was envious of those with Droids. Every time my blackberry acted up (which was often) I was hopeful that I'd be forced to buy a new phone.

Several times, I priced out the droid X and almost bought it. The verizon iphone rumors were surfacing again, but I was impatient. I told Dan I wasn't sure if I'd buy an iphone or a droid. He told me I was crazy.

Even when the announcement came that the verizon iphone would be available and we were able to upgrade a mere 2 days after, I was still unsure.

Boy was I wrong.

It's been 2 days, and I am totally obsessed with my iphone. I am LOVING it! I could go on for a while, but the best thing so far is that Abby is able to talk to Grandma on facetime. She* thought it was so cool to be able to see her as she was talking (even if she was a little confused about it).

I haven't downloaded a ton of apps yet, just the basics, but I'm sure I will. I'm happy to take suggestions!

So, to make my husband happy, I'll say it again: I was so wrong to question the iphone.

* by "she" i could be talking about either Abby or my mom.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The beginning of the end of naptime.

Currently, "quiet time" is going on upstairs in Abby's room. There is singing, jumping, talking, and a lot of thuds. Basically, it is NOT QUIET. I told her if she wasn't going to nap, she had to play quietly in her room for 1 1/2 hours.

Meanwhile, I am downstairs having a quiet panic attack. OMG, OMG, OMG! DO NOT STOP NAPPING! I CANNOT HANDLE THIS! I'M NOT READY!!!!!!


She turned 3 in November. She's the only one of her friends left that still takes a nap. I know it's going to end soon, I just don't want it to be yet. What the heck are we going to do all day?

I can enforce the quiet time, she's pretty good about playing by herself in her room. But, I'm used to her taking 2-3 hour naps every day. How am I going to adjust to just 1 hour of "quiet" time?!?

Yes, I realize I am lucky. I know plenty of kids who won't play in their rooms and moms who don't get any sort of break. But, ugh. I guess I should just look at this as another stage we're passing?

Hopefully today is just a fluke. She has ballet tomorrow, so a nap will probably (fingers crossed!) happen. However, today is just the beginning of the end.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Writer's Block

So, I've had a little bit of writers block lately.

There's been plenty of things I've wanted to write about (Abby's ballet recital, Austin's sudden jump into 9 month clothes, etc.) but every time I pull out the computer, I stop. I've even written whole posts and then deleted them. Part of the problem is that I set out to write not just to update family and friends on the kids, but to use this as an outlet for my various thoughts on life. In doing so, I told myself I wouldn't hold back. But, that's exactly what I felt like I was doing. I felt like posting mundane life updates wouldn't be telling the whole truth.

So here's the truth: I've been suffering from postpartum depression.

I probably should say "a little" postpartum depression, as the issue hasn't been that huge. However, I'm currently on some antidepressants and seeing a therapist to get myself out of this mess. I know I'm not alone here. I've had a ton of support from my family and close friends (both new and old) and have been grateful to listen to other people's tales. Things are actually starting to look up a little bit, and I'm beginning to feel a little more like myself.

While I'm not ready to write about the whole experience and talk about what I've been going through, I will. I just have to get to the other side first. I'm hoping by at least putting this little bit out there, I can begin to write about the other (much more upbeat!) things going on in my life. Writing this blog has become something I really enjoy and I would love to get back to it. (Besides I wouldn't want to keep my 10's of followers in the dark :) )

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Austin: 3 Months


Happy 3 months!

For some reason, 3 months seems like a little milestone to me. You are past the crucial "forth trimester," and we're moving from survival mode to where you're developing habits and more of a personality. The other key difference with this 3 month mark, is that you officially have moved into territory that is all your own. I've spent a lot of time comparing your life so far to your sister's. (I know I shouldn't, but it's only natural) However, when you hit the 12 week mark you got something that is solely yours: a full time mom. As great as your sister's daycare was, I always had the nagging feeling I was going to miss something important. With you, I see it all! And this month brought a lot.

You started this month off by officially moving up to the third floor, into your own room and crib. I spent the first night crying, but you LOVED it! Above your crib are some stickers of jungle animals playing sports, and every time I place you in your crib you look up, smile and talk to your friends. As a result, you are also sleeping a lot better. We consistently get a good 6-8 hour stretch each night before you need to be fed. You then go back to sleep until around 6am. (Since your sister gets up around 7-7:30, this morning one-on-one time has become once of my favorite times with you.) Morning naps still tend to happen on the go, but your afternoon one is in your crib and that has really helped get you on a somewhat set schedule.

A few nights after your big move, it was Christmas. While you really had no idea what was going on, you looked adorable in your snowman jammies and Abby loved opening your presents for you. (I've tried really hard to keep most of the new toys in their boxes. You're not quite ready for them yet and I'd like them to still be new when you are ready. Abby does not like this.) There was a lot of traveling involved with Christmas, and you handled it pretty well. By the time we made it to Mamaw and Papaw's house though, you'd begun throwing up and getting fussy. I thought it was just the traveling, but took you to the doctor when we got back anyway. Good thing, because you actually had your first ear infection. Thankfully, we caught it early and you handled it pretty well.

This month also brought your first trip to the professional photographer (you are a big ham and made the process very easy and very expensive!) and new toys. We tried the Bumbo seat, but it seems you've already out grown it. We brought down the exersaucer and propped you up with blankets, thinking we'd get you used to it and we'd let you grow in to it. However, you surprised us all by loving it! You can already touch your feet on the bottom, hold yourself up without the blankets and have even learned how to spin some of the toys. You LOVE standing in your seat and spinning those toys!

Speaking of standing, it seems to be your preferred position these days. You are usually happiest standing on someone's lap and bouncing. Though, you are also fond of sitting up mostly by yourself, with just us holding your hands for balance. You constantly amaze me with your strength!

Last month brought out your smiles, and while you are still a very smiley kid, we're also starting to get some laughs from you. This usually occurs when I tickle you under your chin or Daddy tickles your back. I can also get you to laugh before your bath. (Though I'm not sure if it's because of the bath or just because you're naked. As much as you hated having your clothes off early on, you think being naked is the greatest thing EVER! Such a boy you are.)

Phew, I told you it was an eventful month! We also discovered your lactose intolerance this month, and that has really helped you out a lot.

You are such a happy, loving little boy! You bring such joy to all three of us each day and we can't wait to see what lies ahead.

I love you,