Wednesday, September 29, 2010

36 Weeks

I had my ultrasound and 36 week check up today. The plan was to see just how big this little guy is at the moment and figure out a game plan from there. He could have been little or normal, meaning we would have just waiting things out. He could have been large, meaning we'd schedule an early induction at 39 weeks. Or, he could have been gigantic, meaning we'd schedule a c-section.

Turns out.....

He's big! But not too big! (6lbs, 10oz at the moment. 57th percentile.) So, we are on the books for an induction at 39 weeks. Specifically, October 18, 2010. The date worked out perfectly, my two favorite doctors in the practice are on call that Monday and Tuesday, and I should be able to avoid the doctor I wanted to steer clear of. Not to mention, Dan will be able to take the full week off, and then be in and out of the office the following week. (It's been a crazy busy time at work for Dan as they try and gear up for the start of the holiday season.)

I am SO relieved! I had been a nervous wreck all morning, totally convinced they'd estimate him on the small side and tell me I couldn't have the induction. I really thought I might throw up sitting in the waiting room for the 30 minutes before my apt. (The wait was ridiculous today. My 9:45 apt started at 10:20 and I didn't leave until well after 11.)

Also worth noting, Austin is head down according to the ultrasound, though I already knew this. He also appears to have quite a bit of hair. We could actually see it flowing behind him. Even though I promised myself I'd stay away from graphic details after a few people complained about a previous post, allow me to say I'm "finger-tip dilated." So things are moving along.

Obviously, he could still come on his own, and Dan's hoping for a birthday of 10/10/10. But, if he doesn't, he's being evicted on the 18th. While, I realize I could still end up having a c-section if things get difficult, I'm happy to know I at least get to try to do it the more natural way. (If you can consider Pitocin and an epidural "nartual.")

I am sighing a big sigh of relief and trying to get everything in order for these last few weeks.

19 days!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Happiness and Parenthood

Lately the topic of parenthood and happiness keeps popping up. It started a few months back with the article in NY Magazine* and has been written about on various blogs I read. I think that's the main reason I've avoided the subject, because I'd read so many other people's opinions on it, but it came up again this past weekend so I figured why not? Besides, in every blog post and article I've read, I haven't seen anything from my specific viewpoint.

This past week was a stressful one for Dan at work. He had a project he was working on all week and some of it extended into his weekend. As a result, all he wanted to do this weekend was "relax." Dan's definition of a relaxing weekend involves little more than the computer, the couch and football. However, with an almost 3 year old (who is very much in a Daddy's girl phase) and a very pregnant wife, relaxing in front of the tv all weekend is an impossible feat. Thankfully, he's a wonderful husband and father and he gets the impossibility, but weekends like this one make him nostalgic for the relaxing days before children. Ultimately, I think he'd tell you he was "happier" as a parent, but certainly more stressed. (I'd like to note that this tends to be the general thought of most people I've read about.)

The other main reason I've never written about the subject is that the idea baffles me. I cannot relate to the idea of being happier before children at all. Even though he's my husband and I live with Dan's view, I don't even really get his argument.

I have lived most of my life in fast forward. When I was in high school, I wanted to be in college. When I was in college, I wanted to be out in the world making money and being my own person. When I graduated, I wanted to be married and own a house. And so on, and so on. Then, I became a mom and my fast forward mindset began to slow down. However, it wasn't until I moved to Raleigh and became the stay-at-home mom I'd always seen myself as, that I finally stopped looking forward to the next stage in life and just enjoyed where I was. I felt like I could finally start living my life and not just wishing for what was next. I'm not saying I wasn't "happy" before, but as silly as it sounds my life was complete. Or I should say "is complete."

It's funny, Dan and I often have the conversation about our college years. Dan and a lot of our friends, often said they'd pay a lot of money to return to their college years, and to just live life without stress and responsibilities. Me? You'd have to offer me a large sum of money to go backwards in life. Even then, I don't think I'd trade. Yes, I have more stress and responsibility now. Yes, I'm a lot more tired. But I consider those things as just part of the package. It's what parenthood is, and I never expected anything different.

Just think, I feel this way with just one child. Now, I'll soon have two! Everyone always talks about how surprised they were to find that they could love their second child just as fully as their first. For me, I expect nothing less.

So, does parenthood make me happier? Absolutely.

*I think that's where it was originally. The article asked the question of whether people without children were "happier" than those with children.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

34 weeks

I had my 34 week check up today, and everything seems to be moving along well. Heart rate and growth were normal and my weight gain is right at 40lbs. (This was my goal for the whole pregnancy, and obviously I'll surpass it since I have a few more weeks to go, but I'm not upset about it. Considering the 65lbs I gained with Abby, I think I've done pretty well. I have big babies, of course I'll gain more than "average.")

The interesting thing about the last few appointments has been the progression on the delivery discussion. You see, Abby's birth experience was a little traumatic. It didn't seem like it at the time, but in re-telling the story over the last few visits, I've started to view things a little differently. Nothing major occurred, and I was able to vaginally deliver a 9lb, 9oz, 22in baby. However, there was a series of minor things that when added up are leading to some concerns this time around.

For instance: I normally have low blood pressure and since an epidural lowers your bp, this caused a problem. I had to have not 1 or 2, but 5 shots of ephedrine and the presence of the head anesthesiologist. Also, other than her large size, Abby was also trying to come "sunny side up" (babies are born face down, Abby was trying to come out looking up). This meant she had to be turned and because of this (they think), she broke her collarbone. We didn't think much of it at the time, but apparently she could have suffered long-term nerve damage. For your sake, I won't go into details, but let's just say there was also a lot of blood lost on my part.

When you add up all of those things with the fact that this is my second baby and a boy (meaning he'll most likely be bigger), there's lots of things to be discussed. A month ago, they wanted to schedule a 36 week ultrasound to access the situation. Two weeks ago, they offered up an elective c-section but I said I'd rather be induced. At the time they said they wouldn't let me go past 40 weeks. This visit, the doctor said we'd decide at the ultrasound whether to induce at 39 weeks or to seriously re-open the c-section discussion.

Basically, things have been a little chaotic already. I'd really like to avoid the c-section, but I'll ultimately do whatever the doctors think is safest for Austin. I keep hoping the little guy will decide to come out on his own sometime around 37-38 weeks and we won't have to make any of these decisions. Who knows?

We'll know more in two weeks. I'll try not to stress out about it all too much before then. (Note that I said try. I make no promises.)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

State of the Pregnancy- 33 1/2 weeks

It's been a while since I wrote a state of the pregnancy post, and after a few particularly difficult days, I'm in the mood to complain. So here goes...

I am SO ready for this baby to come out!!!

I think the last post had me feeling better, but with the occasional nausea/stomach issues and some back pain. Thankfully, both of those things have continued to be mild if they show up at all. It seems I finally got rid of the stomach/food nonsense right around my 7 month mark. Which was just in time for the third trimester misery to begin.

I am tired ALL the time.

I am constantly out of breath.

My legs and feet constantly feel as if I've just finished a marathon. (or how I perceive this, seeing as I've never run 1 mile let alone 26.1. Basically I feel as if my legs are made of jelly.)

I am pretty sure I have internal bruising from the kicking. (They say as the baby gets bigger, the movement becomes more rolling and waves and less kicks. Not this little man. His kicks have gotten stronger. And now I get head butts to the ribs. Last night I got one so bad, I cried out and scared Dan half to death. The area is still sore to the touch and any little internal flutter in the area makes me wince in pain.)

Yay, third trimester!

My only comforts are that 1) this is all relatively normal and expected (unlike my earlier issues) and 2) I only have 6 1/2 more weeks to go! Hopefully, a little less. I've now had two conversations with different doctors about the possibility of an early induction (no earlier than 39 weeks) because of Austin's likely size. The second doctor even offered an elective c-section, which I turned down. Worst case, he'll be evicted on 10/25.

So, that's what's been going on down here. I'm getting a little break with Abby being at school two days a week, which is nice. Otherwise, I'm still just plugging along.

61/2 more weeks!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

First day of Preschool!

Today was Abby's first day of Preschool!

We've been talking a lot about school over the last few weeks, and we'd gone to meet her teachers "Miss A-shell" and "Miss Mar-ga-ret" (Michelle and Margret, for those people who are not Abby). I even let Abby pick out whatever backpack she wanted. (Tinkerbell and friends, of course!) She was very excited. Surprisingly, so was I. Dan was actually the sentimental one about the whole thing. He was even a little emotional* about the whole "our baby is growing up" thing.

Then there was today. I woke up this morning excited, but by the time I started to make breakfast I was fighting back some tears. (We had pancakes. My mother always made us have a big fancy breakfast on the first day of school, but pancakes is as fancy as Abby will eat.) I took extra time getting her dressed in her new outfit and doing her hair, making sure I soaked it all in. Abby, however, was still very excited. She must have asked 100 times if "we go to school now?" Normally, she doesn't like to have her picture taken, but she was even excited about that today. By the time we got to school, Abby was so ready she took off her shoes and ran to her teacher. I actually had to call her back to get a hug and kiss goodbye. She obliged, but barely.

Up until this point, I'd been okay. Then, I put the keys in the ignition and realized I actually had to leave the parking lot. Cue the tears. Enter the thoughts of "I can't believe my baby is so grown up!" After five minutes of this, I pulled myself together and drove straight to Starbucks for a pumpkin spice latte. Aaahhh, all better!

At 12:00 sharp, I picked up and very tired, but still very excited little girl. It took several questions, but I discovered she had colored a picture of a birthday cake, read a couple of books, sung "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" very quickly, and even made two new friends in Kayla and Andy ("He's a boy Mommy!").

All in all, a great day! I think we are both looking forward to when she goes back on Tuesday. Hopefully, I'll get through it without the tears.

*I think Dan would want me to clarify this. By emotional, I do mean Dan-emotional. There were certainly not any tears or anything. Just standing a moment or two longer than usual at the door at night when she was sleeping and extra hugs.