Monday, July 18, 2011

Austin: 9 Months


I almost forgot this month's letter, but I have a valid excuse.  We moved this past weekend, and for the first time since you've been born, you have a new room that is only yours.  You don't have to share it with Mommy, Daddy or a computer and a TV.  It is blue, it has enough room for your dresser, crib and glider, and it is AWESOME.  Now, if you'd just sleep through the night in it, we'd be golden*

Where you had an uneventful month last month, this one was filled with new adventures.  You have been babbling up a storm, working on all kinds of new sounds.  In fact, after nap one day you looked at your Daddy and said "DaDa."  You then smiled and reached for him.**

Another new trick this month is crawling (OMG your mobile! OH, NO!)  You've been working on rolling/scooting backwards/shifting all month and had gotten pretty good at maneuvering yourself around.  Then, this morning you crawled 2 feet to get a hold of the tv remote.  You were so excited and have repeated your trick many times since.  Before long, I'll be chasing you everywhere!

You've also started to try pulling yourself up.  Your gigantic tree stump legs have made things a little difficult, but I assume you'll have it down in no time! 

Speaking of your size, you're still a big boy but are starting to level out a a little bit.  (At least that's what the doctor said at your 9 month check.  26lbs 11oz sounds like a gigantic baby, but it means there's more to squeeze.)  I thought for sure I'd get a lecture, but the doctor actually told me it's time for table food and a sippy cup.  You tried a little bit of bread tonight and really liked it, so I'm sure I'll have some good stories next month. 

Since this is the 9 month mark, I asked the doctor (again) about your eyes.  As expected, he confirmed your baby blues are there to stay. :)  You have one happy Momma.  Especially since your eyes are known to stop passerby in the grocery store and Target. 

It has been such a fun month, but a busy one.  I can't wait to see how you do with all the new space we have in the new house.  I'm off to unpack more toys!

*You're currently working on your top two teeth and I think they are giving you quite a bit of trouble.  That and all the changes this week have made for a lot of clinginess.  However, that means lots of hugs for Mommy, so I can deal..
** DaDa was your sister's first word too.  While, I love hearing you speak (I missed it with Abby), I would love to hear Mama at some point soon.  You are such a Mommy's boy, and you say DaDa first?!?