Saturday, October 30, 2010

Austin: The delivery.

I have picked up the computer several times over the last 12 days, but each time I've just stared at the keyboard with no idea where to start. I have SO much I've wanted to write about and share, but I tend to use my free time resting, snuggling my newest little one, or frantically trying to get some one-on-one time with my old little one. Sorry. I know everyone wants to hear how things have been going, so I'll try to catch everyone up.

As I said, I'm not sure where to start, so I guess we'll start at the beginning. Last time I posted, I was nervously heading to the hospital. When we got there, the doctor starting things going and said they were hoping for a "daylight delivery." After everything we went through last time, Dan and I just laughed them off. We knew better. Or so we thought. They broke my water at 11am, and gave me the epidural at 12pm. I continued to progress right on schedule, but still had the craziness from Abby in the back of my mind. Sometime around 4:45 I started to get uncomfortable, and by 5pm, we'd called the nurse in. She watched me breath through a few contractions and started getting the room ready. While it looked like that daylight delivery might actually occur, Dan and I were still uneasy.

At 5:30, I was really ready to start pushing. Dan and I had commented throughout the day how "routine" things had seemed, but this is when I really started to understand that Austin was going to make things a lot easier than Abby did. The nurses were calm; the doctor was confident. Everything seemed to be normal. I guess that helped me calm down because the pushing went a lot easier than it did with Abby. I was still slightly nervous, but then the doctor looked at Dan and asked if he wanted to cut the cord. Then she asked me if I wanted the baby on my stomach after delivery. (If you had asked me my ideal delivery situation beforehand, this is what I would have asked for. I felt slightly cheated with Abby because we missed out on these two things.) At that moment I looked at Dan and finally relaxed. I was going to have this baby just the way I wanted to, and it was happening right then. Sure enough, 1 1/2 pushes later, I had a screaming little boy on my stomach. Total pushing time: 19minutes.

My first thoughts as I looked at my little boy, were 1) he didn't look like Abby and 2) he had Dan's nose. Since Abby was my only reference point for this whole mother thing, I guess I'd assumed he'd look just like she did as a baby, and while there are similarities, it was weird to realize at that moment that they really were two different people. As for the nose, for whatever reason it's always been my favorite physical characteristic of Dan. I've always loved that it's a little bit of softness and roundness to an otherwise very structured face. In my mind, it mirrors his personality: mostly sharp, but with just a touch of softy. Anyway, seeing it mirrored on my son was a pretty overwhelming moment for me. Not that I wasn't already, but it was at the moment that I truly fell deeply in love with my son.

Austin cried for a full 15 minutes while they finished everything up. He was crying so hard and long, that everyone in the room was laughing. He didn't calm down until they took him from me and put a diaper and blanket on him. To this day, it's the most he's cried. (Though the diaper seems to be his thing. If he doesn't have one on, he is screaming.)

And that's pretty much Austin's birth story. Routine delivery. In all my wishing and hoping for that day, I never considered it would be so easy. We really got everything we could have wanted out of the whole thing. (Though, of course, all we really wanted was a healthy little boy. But you know what I mean.)

Since then, things have been going well. After Abby, I was a drugged up drowsy mess for about a week. With Austin, I was up and moving hours after delivery. I felt pretty good, considering. Abby was a crier and made for a rough first night in the hospital. Austin might have been fussy too, but I smartly sent him to the nursery so I could rest. They brought him to me every 3 hours so he could feed, but he was pretty calm most of the hospital stay. He's actually been pretty calm ever since.

He's a quiet, laid back little guy. He gets mad when we're changing his diaper or his clothes. He gives a few little yells when he's hungry. Otherwise, he's awake or sleeping, but calm. We had a few nursing issues but I think we've finally gotten over that hump and are going strong. (With all the comparisons to Abby and her first few days, I have to say the nursing difficulties surprised me. Abby took to it like a champ and I never had any sort of issue. I had assumed Austin would have been the same. Not so much. Thankfully, I did have such a positive experience with Abby to keep me going. There were definitely a few sessions I sobbed through with Austin, and I can easily see why so many people give up and go to the bottle. But I didn't give in, and we are doing just fine now. I am almost to the point where I can enjoy the togetherness even.)

Well, that's a start. I have so much more to write about, particularly how well Abby is doing with her new life but it will have to wait. A certain little guy needs some snuggle time.

Monday, October 18, 2010

10/18/10- The morning of

I have been awake since 2AM. Well, not entirely true. I fell asleep for a few minutes around 5:15, but Dan quickly let me know I was snoring and I was wide awake again. (Note: I do not normally snore. It is a side effect from carrying and extra 45lbs around your belly. That and hormones.) Grand sleep total = 3 hours. Oh well, not like I have anything to do today :)

Did I also mention I feel sick? Not sick to my stomach, nerve-sick (though I've got that too), but totally congested, sore throat, killer headache kind of sick. I want coffee, Tylenol and a big glass of water, but alas I can have none of that. (Only enough water to brush my teeth!)

Needless to say, I'm totally nervous. The last few weeks have been moving towards this morning, but I hadn't really thought about what was going to happen today. Now the fears of complications and difficulties are in the forefront of my mind.

Who knows what today holds? I'm hopeful that the day will end happy and with a baby in my arms, but Abby took 18 1/2 hours. So it could very well be tomorrow? Then again, I'm shooting to have this whole thing wrapped up by late afternoon.

After all, the Tennessee plays Jacksonville in the Monday night game. I'd love to be able to introduce him to the Titans within the first few hours of life. :)

Ok. Writing helped with the nerves a little. Off to the hospital I go. Bring on the Pitocin!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Last Week

Monday is VERY quickly approaching!

I've spent most of the last week soaking up every minute of one-on-one time with Abby that I can. We've been to the playground, had special lunches, and just spent a lot of cuddle time together. She's been a ton of fun this week! (And with Abby it's very unusual to go so long with out a rough day. Hopefully, this will continue a little longer as we have big family weekend plans!)

I've been trying to get every last hug out of this week, because I've been feeling incredibly guilty. I know in the long run, I'm giving Abby an amazing gift in a new sibling. However, I'm feeling bad about the short term. I know she's not going to get as much mommy time and I'm going to miss this time we've had. I'm so grateful for this past year we've had together, I just worry about the next few months. This is all silly, I know.

Anyway, we've got a big weekend ahead. Soccer, family trip to the mall, dinner, even possibly a pro soccer game on Sunday. (On a side note- this will complete my list of sporting events. I will then have seen every major sport live.) I even took a little Mommy's night off last night for one last bit of "me" time. (I'm not feeling so guilty as to deprive myself of that.)

It'll probably be a little while before you get another post from me (obviously!), though I'll have Dan post pics and details while I'm at the hospital. YAY!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Down a sunny dirt road...

I have always loved to read, and have a particular fondness for children's literature. Even before I did storytelling in high school forensics, I was helping my mom for various storytelling events she put on.* I have been collecting kids books for as long as I can remember, always hoping I would pass along my love to my future children.

Though I never met a kids book I didn't like,** one of my favorite series is The Berenstain Bears. In fact, Go to the Doctor was the first book I ever learned how to read all by myself and I proudly showed off that skill to my pre-K class.*** This love has always continued, to the point that I stood in line for over an hour to get a signed book from Stan and Jan themselves when I was living in NoVa.

Imagine my excitement, when my daughter (who LOVES books of all kinds too) discovered the wonder that is The Berenstain Bears. She loves the tails on Mama, Papa, Brother and Sister just as much as I did. The only problem is that she's almost three. Almost three year olds have an amazing love of repetition. So we read the Bears at naptime and at bedtime, EVERYDAY. This has been going on for several weeks now. I hate to say it, but even I am getting a little tired of the gang deep in Bear Country.

I really don't want to discourage her reading or her choice of books, but it's getting to a point where I've even considered hiding some of the more frequent choices. (ironically, Go to the Doctor is one of her top favorites.) Maybe all I need is a few days off (which is around the corner thanks to the whole having a baby thing.); maybe I need a trip to the bookstore for a few more titles. Whatever it is, I need to change things up before my love for the books grows tired.

*Mom was a kindergarten teacher, and still works with the county. Since I was a baby, she's dressed up as "Granny" and told stories to children for different occasions. I used to accompany her as the "Story Princess."
**Except for Dr. Seuss. I HATE Dr. Seuss. It's nonsense. The pictures are not interesting. They are way too long. Though, as to not pass along my prejudices to my child, I have suffered through many a Dr. Seuss books for Abby.
***Had I ever applied to med school, you can bet that this fact would have been sung from the rooftops. It would have been in my essay and in my interviews. To this day, I think that's the main reason I thought I wanted to go to med school.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

37 weeks

I had my 37 week check up today, and everything still looks good! I was actually measuring at 36 (which is a little below my 37 weeks- Abby always measured a week ahead). This particular doctor gave me a 3 second panic attack when he commented on the baby's size; I was terrified for a bit that they would take me off the books for my induction. Then I remembered their real concern was Abby's broken shoulder and we can't go back in time to fix that, so the induction stays put. (unless, of course, this little guy decides to come before the 18th.)

Until then: the nursery is ready, pack-n-play is up, car seat is installed, hospital bag is packed and neighbors and family are on standby. Come on Austin! Anytime now buddy, anytime.

(Though secretly, I think I'd rather have the induction. I like planned events, not surprises.)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Pumpkin Picking

We took Abby to the pumpkin patch yesterday, mainly in attempt to use up some of the crazy amount of energy she had all day. I also wanted to do it before the baby came so I would get be a part of the fun. And, fun we had!

Abby was off and running from the time we stepped out of the car. Hillridge Farms had all kinds of activities including a giant slide, a maze, hay stacks, animals and a hayride. She was so excited, and loved everything she tried. She was also VERY picky when it came to picking the right pumpkins.

Enjoy the pics! (and a few little bonus pics from last week!)