Thursday, August 18, 2011

Austin: 10 months


Well kid, you've officially existed outside of my belly for longer than you were in there.  10 months! Where has the time gone?!?

Last month you'd figured out the whole crawling thing, but this month you've mastered it.  You are quite fast and are able to move around anywhere you want (which usually means you are bee-lining for whatever cord or outlet you can find).  I am thrilled with your progress, but man, am I exhausted.  I always laughed at celebrities who said they kept fit by chasing around their little ones.  While I still think they're full of it, I can see what they mean:  I have lost 3lbs since I've had to start running after you!

Along with making sure those pesky cords are out of your eyesight, I've also had to start making sure tables and couches are clear because you can pull up on just about anything now.  Sometimes you get stuck on your knees, but you are happy to reach and bounce around anyway.  You have even tried to stand while crawling, without the aid of something to hold onto.  Usually you get up on your hands and toes (think downward dog) before you realize it's not quite going to work yet.  I'm sure it's just a matter of time before your running around.

Not only do you love to pull up, but you LOVE to climb.  Whenever I sit on the floor, you hustle on over to try and climb over my lap.  When you get to the other side, you laugh and climb back over again.  You've even tried to climb the stairs- which means I really need to get my butt in gear and get gates up!

This month we took our annual vacation to the Outer Banks, and introduced you to the beach.  Like your Momma, you preferred the pool.  I think the heat and sun on the beach was just a bit much for you, as you only lasted 15-20 minutes before you started to get really fussy and sleepy.  Regardless, you tested the ocean (and cried) and ate some sand.  Pretty typical for baby's first beach trip.

Last month you tried bread, and we really haven't moved much past that.  You had a pretty bad ear infection that hindered your table food for a few days and we haven't wanted to push the table foods too much.  You've tried grilled cheese (eh.), bananas (yuck), various types of bread (yum), puffs (yum on most, yuck on banana puffs), and pasta (threw it all on the floor).  However, you're favorite food by far is peanut butter sandwiches.  You can down an entire 1/2 sandwich in no time, and do so everyday for lunch.  We'll continue to try more foods as we go, and hopefully we can expand your palate!*

You continue to amaze me with your development, and I love watching you learn everyday.  The other day we had a family playdate with some friends, and you had a blast playing!  The little boy is 14months, but you were chasing him and copying every step of the way.  It must be a boy-thing, but you both sat there and rammed cars into each other and threw things.  It was so cute!

I only have two more of these letters to write and I cannot believe you are almost one.  You are such a sweet, loving, fun little boy!

I love you, Buddy,

*Your sister has always been a good eater.  However, I get the impression you are more like your Daddy and are going to drive me nuts food-wise.