Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Three Days of Sibling Bliss

You guys.  I have made an amazing parenting discovery!

My kids, like all siblings, fight.  They yell at each other, they boss each other around (one much more so than the other: cough, cough, Abby), they argue and sometimes it's physical.  Don't get me wrong, they love each other and most of the time they are pretty good together.  In fact, I'd say most of the time, provided Abby's attitude is at a level 7 or lower,* they get along pretty well.

However, the last few weeks have been epic.  I don't know if they are still getting used to the busy school and extracurricular activities schedules, or the fact that my daughter is a budding tween and way too cool for the rest of us, or even if Austin has gained some confidence and is starting to push back more, but whatever it is, it has been bad.  They could not get through a meal without screaming at each other (breakfast is the worst).  Forget trying to have them play together on anything other than the computer.**  I'd tried lots of different tactics, but nothing was really working.  Then, I discovered the secret...


Last Saturday, Dan took Abby to Harrisonburg for the day to see JMU on Game Day and then watch the game.  They left before Austin woke up and came home late at night, so they went a full 24h without seeing each other.  On Sunday, I was expecting Abby to grumble downstairs her usual non-morning person self.  She'd had a long day, and she's usually worse when she's tired so I was expecting: grumpy, angry, and yelling at people.  Instead, she came downstairs quietly, went into the kitchen (rather than flopping on the couch yelling about where the remote is) and said, "hi, Austin!"  Then she said the same to me and Juliet.  And she was SWEET!  Austin, smiled and said, "hi, Abby!" Next, the most amazing thing happened....they started talking about their Saturday.  Like normal people! There was listening and asking questions, and dare I say interest and respect??

All Sunday, there was no fighting.  They laughed, they played, it was amazing.  On Monday they had the day off from school for a teacher workday, and it was the same thing! When it was quiet time Monday, Abby asked if she could read to Austin in her room.  I, of course, said yes and they were in her room playing and talking for an hour and a half.  AN HOUR AND A HALF!!! Surely, this couldn't continue once school was back, right? But, no! Tuesday was the same as well!

Three days.  I got three whole days of sibling bliss.  I didn't comment on it, I didn't say a word to anyone because I was afraid to jinx it, but it was wonderful.    

I'm afraid all good things must come to an end, and this morning was a giant reality check.  Austin took a rare nap yesterday so he was up late.  Abby stayed up too late reading, woke up tired and took extra time getting ready so we were cramped for time.  Juliet had been up last night (teething?), so I was tired.  There was lots of yelling.  I may have screamed at everyone once or twice as well.  It a normal Wednesday.***

Sigh.  Oh, well.  It was fun while it lasted.

I wonder when I can persuade Dan to take one of them away for a day again?!?

* These days she hoovers around an 8.  Eye rolls, hair flips, tone dripping with sarcasm, the works.  Typical tween, I suppose, but man is it fun! (No. No it is not fun at all.)
** I'll probably go into this deeper in another post, but my kids don't really play or go on computers/ipads.  Abby has an iPad and uses it on occasion when we're at doctor's appointments and such, but that's it.  Austin isn't allowed on it.  So, once a week when I let them go on the computer for a little bit, they are angels.  
***Are Wednesdays bad for everyone? I always attributed cranky Wednesdays to being up late for soccer on Tuesday, but there was no soccer yesterday.  Is it just the struggle of being mid-week? 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Happy 5th Birthday, Austin!!

Happy Birthday, Buddy!!

So, first off, I apologize that this is a week late.  Life is crazy right now, but I'm starting to embrace the idea that life will continue to be crazy for the next few years.  Instead of waiting for life to slow down, I'm just going to have to learn to roll with it! You, of all my kids, should get that most as you are the most laid back of the bunch.  Now that this part is over, let's move on...

Five.  A whole hand.  That phrase is used so often to describe a kid your age, but it fits you.  You have been a handful since shortly after I found out I was having you.  A non-stop, trouble-making, full of life and laugher, sweet, sweet handful.

When you turned 4 you were a new big brother, in a new city, and starting at a brand new school.  As you turn 5, you have totally embraced your role as big brother, adjusted well to life in Greensboro, and (after 3 tries) have found a school that you love and are doing great at.  When we started this year, you didn't want anything to do with anything related to schoolwork.  You loved counting and numbers, but if anyone asked you to pick up a pencil or crayon you went stomping off.  Fast forward through your short time at the first school, the rough start at the second, and the turbulent (but mostly positive) months following.  You really started to find your groove toward the end of this past school year, and thanks in part to my brilliant decision to buy star wars workbooks over the summer, you continued right through summer.  When you started this year of school, it was on a high note, and you've mostly maintained that.  From a boy who refused to sit still long enough to color; to one who spent over an hour last night coloring, drawing, stamping and even writing your name.  While we will have a ways to go towards reading, you've started to take an interest and a lot of pride in reading the few sight words you have learned.  You've come a long way, Buddy!

This year also began the transition from all things Superhero to all Star Wars ALL THE TIME.  You are completely obsessed, which brings your father great joy.  Not only because he loves sharing an interest with you, but because it makes your Momma fumble and very uncomfortable.  Star Wars is not my thing, and though I may never be able to tell the difference between the two droid things, I have embraced your (and your sister's) excitement, and supported by buying mountains of toys/games/clothing/lunchboxes/yogurt/whatever.  You loved superheroes, but this Star Wars thing is so much bigger for you.  You take in every detail from the movies, stories and comic books your Daddy reads to you and can talk about it endlessly to whoever will listen.

You've always been a funny kid, but this year you've really started to figure it out.  You know you are funny and love to make people around you laugh.  At times it gets you in trouble, because you haven't quite figured out when and where jokes are appropriate, but you'll get there.  No one finds your funnier than your sisters.  They laugh with you least when the older one is annoyed at you.  Juliet loves you to pieces and you are so good with her.  A little rough at times, but so very sweet.

While you are a 5 year old boy and very much the wild and crazy kid you always have been, you are still one of the sweetest people I know.  You may run, tackle, push, yell, and stomp, but you also love to hug and snuggle and have such sweet gentle moments sometimes.  You really care about your friends, sisters, Daddy and me.  This has been such a giant year of growth for you, and I cannot wait to see what 5 has in store!

Love you lots, Buddy!


Sunday, October 4, 2015

I'm back!

Dan has been on me for a few months now to get this thing up and running again but I ignored him, because I have three kids and a husband and a dog and who has time for this?!?  I'd gotten a few comments recently from people asking about when I used to write, but the final push was last Friday.  We were getting family pictures done by an amazing photographer who has become a friend and as we were wandering around Duke's campus she said "you should write a blog!" Dan just looked at me with a face that clearly said, "I told you so."

It occurred to me that I've made a lot of new friends over the last 3 years, most of which had no idea I ever even started this thing.  Not to mention there's the whole guilt behind Juliet not having what her siblings have...Abby has countless pictures and a partially filled out baby book, Austin has a years worth of monthly letters and pictures on here and Juliet has nothing but saved pictures on my phone and computer.  So here we are!

This blog started when I moved to Raleigh to keep friends and family updated on our new lives in NC.  It turned into my outlet and sounding board as I learned life as a SAHM.  It followed me through my pregnancy with Austin and was such a help as life turned dark and I worked my way through my post-partum and faced my depression head on.  But then I stopped writing.  I don't really have a reason, probably just life getting in the way.  (Have you met Austin? The boy is crazy.  And not just a handful, he is two or three handfuls.  Good thing he is such a sweet boy, because he is exhausting!)

Anyway.  Here we are again, almost three years later and so much has changed!  I'm not sure what this will turn into, so bear with me as I play around for a while. In an attempt to convince me to start again, Dan even offered to do a guest post every so often, so I shall hold him to it!!  Please note the name change! I took the giant step of purchasing my own domain name, since I am no longer in the "triangle" but have moved west to the "triad."  That was a lesson, once again, in how much I suck at using the internet and all things related.  (it took 4 phone calls to godaddy and 3 emails to blogger to figure it all out!)

In the meantime, please enjoy some pictures taken by Heather, that amazing photographer I mentioned, last weekend!