Saturday, December 12, 2015

Abby wants another dog....not happening.

I am not an animal person.  Never have been.  I always say that's one of the reasons I'm a vegetarian...I don't like animals to eat or pet.  That being said, we have a dog.  A high maintenance, slobbering, mess of a boxer that the kids and Dan love.  Well, Juliet loves him.  Abby does 90% of the time and Austin likes him okay.  Since I would do anything for my family, I take care of the dog.  This paragraph isn't to make you hate me (though I'm guessing some people may?) but to give you some backstory for yesterday.

We were at Target trying to find basketball shorts for Abby and the kids saw a bunch of balloons outside Petsmart.  Abby asked to go check it out and I said no.  She even tried to entice me by saying, "But Mom, what if they are having a really big sale?" As we walked to Target we saw a big sign saying "Pet Adoptions." Then it started...

Abby: Can we get another dog?
Me: No
Abby: Please?
Me: No.  We have a dog.  One is enough.
Austin: But, what if we get rid of Duke and get a new dog?*
Me: We can get rid of Duke, but we're not getting another dog.**
Abby: NO!
Me: shoulder shrug Let's go to Target.
Abby: When I'm an adult, I'm going to have 6 dogs!
Me: No, you won't.
Abby: Fine! 5.
Me: Go ahead, but I'm not going to visit you if you do.
Abby: But....I'm going to be a mom and that means you'll be a grandma, so you'll have to come visit or you won't see your grandkids.


Sigh.  Score one for Abby.  Again.

*Austin falls closer to the take him or leave him category on the dog.  
** Do not get upset with me! I joke, but we will never get rid of this dog.  He's part of the family now and he's here to stay.  If we were going to throw in the towel we would have done it when he was a puppy and we were going through hundreds of dollars at the vet office trying to figure out his inflammatory bowel disease and laundry list of allergies that result in doggie pica among other things.