Tuesday, December 21, 2010

One well and one sick, off to the doctor we go!

Austin was scheduled for his 2 month well check today, which turned out to be nice timing after Abby threw up at the dinner table last night. She's had a cough for about 2 weeks now, and I think she just gagged on some mucus. Regardless, I called this morning to see if they could fit her in too.

Turns out, she has a little bronchitis. She got a script for z-pack and I got a look from the doctor and a was told anything after 10 days is not "just a cough." I try to not be one of those mom's that runs in at every sniffle expecting an antibiotic and what do I get? A scolding and an antibiotic. Guess I know where the line between paranoid mom and good mom falls next time: 10 days.

As for Austin, he's doing just fine. He's apparently eating like a champ as he's gained a little over 3lbs in a month! When Abby was this age, this was the big 4 shot and a liquid appointment, but thankfully they've combined some things and Austin only got 2 shots and the liquid. He screamed his head off, I nursed him, and he's been asleep since. I expect to have a VERY sleepy boy for the rest of the day. Otherwise, he looks healthy! Here's the stats:

Weight: 14lbs 4oz (95%)
Height: 23.6in (75%)
Head: 40.8cm (75%)
Still short and fat! (but fat babies are a good thing :) )

Oh! I also asked about his eyes, hoping he would tell me there was a pretty good chance they'll stay blue, and the doctor said to wait until 9 months. They can still change. Sigh.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Our trip to visit Santa this year was pretty uneventful. (Unless you're Dan. Then you had to leave work early only to find that Santa takes a dinner break from 5-6 and you have to wait around for an hour. And you HATE waiting. And there was a line. And Abby was super excited, therefore quite hyper. Then this year wasn't that fun. Guess I should have checked the schedule ahead of time, woops!)

Anyway, Austin didn't really react to the big guy. Abby, loved it. She told him she'd been a good girl and added a Barbie to her list of wants. (Previously all she'd asked for was a trombone and a guitar.)


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Austin: 2 Months


Congrats kid, you've grown from sleeping/eating/pooping infant to baby! You are so much more alert this month, and your personality is starting to show.

The biggest development this month is your smile. Oh, the smiles! You are such a happy little boy and give us the biggest smiles. You have also become quite the talker. You've always been pretty vocal, but now you constantly grunt and coo. My favorite noises come right before you eat: as we're getting ready, you reach up, smile and give an excited "oooh, ooh, ooh!" (kinda like a little monkey) As vocal as you are, you're still not a crier. The only time you really cry is when you're hungry and I don't feed you fast enough.

Speaking of unhappy moments, you've developed what we like to call "the ugly face." Your dad has it, as does your sister. Daddy and Abby's look is really quite powerful and makes you want to crawl under a rock. It usually comes in a "what the hell?" moment. However, yours is this super sad little frown. It makes me want to melt, but only because I feel so bad for whatever your going through. If this continues, you will be able to get anything you want from me in the future. I'm in BIG trouble.

Thankfully, we've figured out our nursing issues, and you are now a super eater. We've even figured it out so well, that we can do it anywhere. I've fed you in the car (parked, of course), in stores and even in a crowded mall waiting for Santa. Thank goodness!

We're still working on your sleeping habits, as you've kinda napped on the go recently. I'm hoping to get you on a schedule after the holidays. Nighttime has gotten a little easier, thanks to Mommy's friends Jason and Lauren. You've always liked to be swaddled, but we've kept your arms out. Now that you've discovered your arms, they've become a detriment to your sleeping as you hit yourself in the head. It didn't occur to me to swaddle your arms in until you got a little out of control at a cookie party. Jason (or Lauren?) swaddled you tight and you settled right down. Now, we swaddle your arms in at night and we're getting at least 4hours the first stretch and usually 3 or so after that. Yay!

As for the arms thing, you are starting to bat at toys and love to lay on your playmat. (As long as your sister doesn't bonk you in the head. She also likes to lay on the mat, and tends to get a little too close. Though, a few times you've payed her back by grabbing a fistful of her hair.)

I could keep going on things you love this month, like I said you're a very happy boy! (The bath is another big one.) But, in an effort to make this letter NOT 6 pages, I'll stop.

On a slightly negative note, this month brought a pretty bad case of baby acne. Thankfully, it's almost gone.

Wow. What a month! I haven't even mentioned your first thanksgiving, another trip to grandma's, and your first visit with Santa. All three went very well.

Oh, Austin. You have been so much fun already, and I can't wait to see what's next!

Love you,


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Catching up

I realize it's been a very long time since I posted anything, and I'm sorry! I usually write during nap time and Austin has decided that he no loner wants to nap when Abby naps. My other option is at night, after the kids are in bed, but I'm too tired to form complete sentences at that point. Through no fault of his own, Dan has been working long hours and hasn't been getting home until a little before baths, so my days are LONG! (He works in the retail field and it's holiday time. Add to that, they're a man down on the team. While it sounds like I may be complaining, I'm not. Long hours in the holiday season just go with the territory and I know he's missing us just as much as we're missing him.)


There's been a lot of stuff I've wanted to write about, but for the sake of time we will do this in bullet points.

-Abby and Austin have been particularly cute recently. Abby loves to help at bath time, and she's decided that reading him a story while I get everything ready is the best way to help. It's adorable. Also, this morning while I was blow drying my hair, she came running in the bathroom to comfort him. He wasn't crying, she was just worried he'd be scared and held is hand and told him, "it's okay, it's just a little loud. I'm right here."

-My cell phone is officially broken, and I am officially freaking out. Yes, I have my dad's old smartphone to use until our contract is up February 12. But still. I NEED MY PHONE!!!!

-Along the lines of the phone, I can't decide: Droid, Blackberry, hold out for iphone (which i can't do if it's going to be longer than March 1. I will go insane!) or a Samsung Galaxy. Opinions?

- I know I'm late to the party, but I am totally obsessed with 16 and Pregnant. Maybe it's because it's always on during late night feedings, or maybe it's because I was recently pregnant, but I cannot stop myself from watching it. The one thing I've noticed, is that every one of these poor, young, high school students (can I say white trash?) attempts to breastfeed. I think that is
so cool. I'm not going to go all La Leche on you, as I have several friend who couldn't breastfeed for one reason or another. I totally get all that, but I'm a big fan of nursing and think that everyone should at least try. If it's not for you, I'm not going to fault you. I'll just be happy you tried. But, 16 year olds pumping in high school? Yay for breastfeeding education and promotion!

- I'll be updating you more on Austin in a few days, but until then:
I promise I'll be back soon!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Oh, Christmas Tree!

When Dan and I first moved in together, and I got to decorate my own Christmas tree for the first time, I was so excited! I went to Target and picked out all different shades of blue and silver balls, lots of snowflakes and crystal garland. I bought only white lights. MY tree was going to be pretty, minimally decorated and most importantly color-coordinated. No tacky ornaments for my tree!

You see, I had always thought the tree at my parent's house was over-trimmed and the colored lights were tacky. (Sorry, Mom! Please keep reading!)

I kept my tree "perfect" for a couple of years. Then, people started buying me ornaments. (As people do when you have your own home and Christmas tree.) Was I really not going to put on the Hallmark ornament my mom gave me when we bought our first house? What about the White House ornaments my mother-in-law buys for all the woman in her family every year? And the ones my sentimental husband bought me to mark various phases in our relationship?

So, I put them on. Reluctantly, but I did it.

Then we had Abby and along came the "baby's first Christmas" ornaments. I was slowly caving, as Abby gave her Daddy a new ornament every year. This year? My tree is a smorgasbord of ornaments. But, Abby and I decorated the tree together this year (my goodness, is it harder to decorate when you have a 3 year old who wants to help!) and she always loves to ask "who buy me this?" or "where you buy this mommy?." It was nice to be able to tell her the story behind that house ornament, all the White House ornaments, her baby ornaments and whatever else we pulled out of the box.

Then, as we were almost finished decorating, I came across the ornament she bought Daddy last year. It's two polar bears (a Daddy and a baby) playing, and when you pushed the button on the back, you hear "Merry Christmas, Daddy!" in that sweet two year old voice that is no longer there.

As I put that last ornament on the tree, I did it with tears in my eyes.

Now, I get it. Gone is the "perfect" minimalist tree. Instead, I have a new "perfect"* filled with memories.

*Though, it still is pretty color-coordinated. (And, now I don't see Mom's tree as over-stuffed. Just filled with a lot more stories. But, I still think the colored lights are tacky. Sorry!)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Elf lives on!

Growing up, we had the original "Elf on a Shelf." You see, starting the first day of December, a little elf named S.P. Bacon (short for Santa's Pal Bacon) would come visit our house and leave a piece of candy under our pillow if we did our chores. (For me, that meant making my bed. By the time my brother and sister came around, he came regardless. Otherwise, my sister and I would get candy and my brother never would have.)

S.P. Bacon was very close to the big man up north, and reported back on how we were doing each day. You know, the whole "naughty or nice" thing. S.P. Bacon always brought us a little present on Christmas and added a little note to Santa's letter.*

Ol' S.P. was always exciting in our house, so imagine my joy when a package arrived this year from the North Pole. In the box was a little elf and a book called "Elf on a Shelf." We read the book and waited for the day after thanksgiving. Sure enough, Friday morning there was an elf on our shelf. Abby was thrilled! As was Mommy, because he told us his name was in fact S.P. Bacon! After all these years, I finally got to see what the little elf looked like! (also much to my excitement, he didn't come with candy.)

All day I warned Abby that S.P. was watching and she had to be nice, not naughty. Dan even used the phrase,** but was convinced it was an empty threat. He didn't think she really "got" it. However, shortly after we'd put Abby down for bed, she started to cry. It was her sad cry. When I went up to check on her I discovered she was scared that S.P. Bacon was going to leave while she was sleeping and not be there when she woke up. She DID NOT want S.P. Bacon to leave her! I explained how he worked again, and promised he'd be back in the morning.

For the next 20 minutes we heard, "Mom! Is S.P. Bacon still here?" "Mom! Where's S.P. Bacon?" Even one "Mom! Is UPS Bacon here?"

Eventually she fell asleep, but the first words out of her mouth this morning were, "Mom! Is S.P. Bacon here? Can we go find him?"

Yeah, she gets it.

Dan might not get it, but Abby and I do. The magic of the season is upon us!

*Santa left us a hand written letter each year to tell us how proud he was of our various accomplishments. It even had big squiggly writing, since the elves write it. And, obviously, elves have squiggly writing.
**My husband is not a creative person. He does not understand the appeal of S.P. Bacon. Then again, he doesn't understand any type of imaginative play or imaginary friends. He's just missing that chip. Thankfully, I have it. (You could not grow up in a house with my mother and not have it.)
***My mom and I were introduced to S.P. Bacon through a family friend. However, the little Mexican man named Pedro, who lives in the sombrero at South of the Border, and travels in the little planes at the beach to make sure you're behaving on vacation, bringing a treat every night after dinner? That one my mom met personally. As crazy as he thinks S.P. Bacon is, Dan thinks Pedro is down right absurd. But, again, I think it's fun. (Though I apologize to all the parent's we go to the beach with, who's kids will be introduced to Pedro because of me. At least the Elf thing has already become commercialized.)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

in the spirit of the holiday, here's a few things I'm thankful for this year:

- Obviously I must start with my wonderful family, friends and such. You know, all that sappy stuff.

- Playhouse Disney. Without which, I would never be able to shower, clean, cook, play on the internet or feed my son.

- Moby Wrap. Without which, my poor back and arms would be killing me and my daughter would never be able to play outside with her friends.

- Coffee. Specifically my keurig. I'm only sleeping in 2 (3 if i'm lucky) hour stretches. Enough said.

- DVR. I go to sleep shortly after Dan gets home and Abby goes to bed. Usually, this is 8:30ish.

- My toaster oven. Without which, my daughter would not eat. I don't have time to cook anymore!

- Preschool. Abby goes two days a week from 9-12. Enough said?

Kinda pathetic, huh? Oh well. Eventually I will emerge from the survival mode I am currently in. Though I'm enjoying this new life, I'm really looking forward to living and not just getting through the days.

(I almost hate to put this in writing, but we've had almost 3 whole days of 3 hour stretches between feedings. I can even get a 4 hour stretch most nights. We're also working on a pretty good routine. Then again, we're getting ready to travel for Thanksgiving. This inevitably means chaos and a crazy schedule for all. Oh well, tis the season!)

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone! I hope your list is a little less pathetic :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Salgado Kids Go to the Doctor!

Abby had her 3 year checkup yesterday, and Austin had his 1 month today. They both did really well* and checked out healthy! While I'm not one for comparing my kids to others, I am very numbers oriented, so here's the stats:

height: 39.5in (94th percentile)
weight: 34lbs (80th percentile)
shots: 3 plus bloodwork, She didn't even flinch at the finger prick, she said "ow!' with the first shot, yelled "OOWW!" at the second and started to cry at the third. Pretty good for a 3 year old :) As promised, she was rewarded with a scone and apple juice from Starbucks.

On a side note, I asked if they could predict her adult height since she's so much taller than all her friends. Their best guess is somewhere around 5'10"

height: 22in (60th percentile)
weight: 10lbs 15oz (70-75th percentile)
shots: 1 and he screamed his little head off. Poor guy! He's been sleeping ever since, hopefully this doesn't mean a long night is ahead.
When they told me his percentiles, I responded with "Short and fat!" The nurse looked at me like I was nuts, but of course I was used to Abby. She wasn't even on the charts until she was close to 1 years old.

Healthy and happy, just the way I like them!

*Those Berenstain Bears are really quite helpful. Sure enough, the doctor did everything they do in the book, and even in the same order. Abby was prepped for everything and did great.

Dress in matching outfits, pose, say cheese, and stress out Mommy for the xmas card picture!

Growing up, my mom would start working on our Christmas card pictures some time in September. She would shop around trying to find the perfect color combination that would work for all three of us, one that we hadn't yet used, and the perfect location. Then we'd all head out some weekend in November and spend a few hours smiling for the perfect picture. "Perfect" meaning something where all three kids were looking at the camera and you couldn't see that we still had the tags on our clothes. (Mom might have returned them later.)

We hated every second of it. Though, we always got great compliments on our Christmas cards.

So, now that I'm a mom of two, what did I do? I went to three different stores to find the "perfect" outfits (but I took the tags off!) Then I spent 30 minutes posing my kids to get the "perfect" shot.

Crazy, I know.

While I didn't get one perfect shot (or even one "good enough" shot), I did get a few I could cut and paste to use. You don't really think I'd post them though, did you? you'll have to wait for the card in the mail, otherwise what's the point?

Instead, here's some we didn't use!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Austin: 1 Month


Just one month ago you officially joined this family. Welcome! It's only been a short time, but what a difference you've made already!

I can't believe how much you've changed already. You were holding up your head just a few hours after your delivery, but you're really starting to really strengthen those muscles. When we put you on your tummy, you already push your head up a little to look around. Especially, if your sister is laying next to you- you love to watch Abby! And you love to be held up on our shoulders so you can push up and look at us. Your alert periods are starting to increase in length and we seem to be settling into a little schedule/routine. You're usually alert and happy for 1 1/2 hours 2-3 times a day. (Except for yesterday. Yesterday, you woke up at 6AM and didn't go back to sleep until almost 11AM. Boy, was I tired!)

At the moment, your eyes are still very blue (yay!) but I've started to notice a little brown creeping in when the lights are just right. We'll see. I'm still holding out hope that they will stay blue, but I'll love them however they turn out.

I mentioned nursing issues before, but I think we've figured it everything out. You still can get a little lazy with your latch in the very beginning (ouch!), but you quickly adjust and continue on like normal. Now, we just need to work on the length of time you nurse. Currently, you only eat for 15 minutes or so and then you're hungry again 2 hours later. The times when I can get you to fully feed (20+ min) you can go 3 to even 4 hours between feedings. (I'd really appreciate more of those stretches. Mainly, at night. Please?)

So far, you're still pretty laid back. When you wake up and are hungry, you don't have a lot of patience. (wonder where that came from, Daddy?) Otherwise you only fuss when you're gassy, which seems to be often. I'm hoping you're only reacting because the feelings in your tummy are strange and not actually a problem. You also still hate diaper changes. Regardless, everyone always comments on how easy you seem. And they're right, so far, so good.

It's been quite a month, but I am SO happy you're actually here with us. I can only imagine what's to come!

Love you tons,

Happy Brithday to Me!


Today I am 30. Finally!

A few months back, I made the comment to Dan and Kelsey that I was excited for 30 because I didn't like my 20's. Dan got offended because as he said, "we met when you were 18, our whole relationship was in your 20's." What I really meant was that I didn't like to tell people I was 20. The 20's to me felt too young for where I was in my life. That, and all my friends are in their 30's and I usually felt embarrassed to admit my age.

However, when I look back, my 20's was a pretty damn good decade. I met Dan (technically I was still 18, but whatever.), I graduated college, moved away from home, started working, got married, moved, bought a house, got a dog, had Abby, quit my job, moved again, and had Austin. Dan, Abby and Austin. Not too bad for a 20-something.

Regardless, I still am excited for my 30's. As I've said before, I'm finally in a place in life where I can stop looking forward and just enjoy life as it is today. And I'm not as embarrassed to admit my age.

It's funny. Last year when we moved, my big hope for myself was that I would find a small group of women in Raleigh. (This was a BIG stretch for me. I've always been one to keep to myself. I have my 2 close friends, but that was kind of it.) Never much for a party, I was hoping I'd be able to have a few girlfriends to go out with and actually celebrate my milestone birthday. I didn't anticipate the whole new baby aspect, but I am happy to say that my goal was accomplished. I've been lucky enough to find a great group of women that would have certainly partied it up with me (again, there's the whole new baby thing. And who am I kidding? Partying it up for me means 2 glasses of wine.)

Speaking of the new baby, while I hadn't pictured a new baby on my 30th, I certainly couldn't imagine anything better. I don't have any big thing planned, just a normal day with my 2 beautiful children and wonderful husband. (and maybe a little Gray's Anatomy with the girls? We'll see how Austin does and how much energy I have.) But, then again, what more could a girl ask for?

Happy Birthday to Me!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Abby!

Dear Abby,

Happy Birthday! How in the world did you get to be 3 already?!?

While I was good about taking pictures of you, I never wrote much down. However, it's never too late to start. And it's been quite a year to document!

One year ago we were living in a barely furnished apartment, still driving around trying to figure out this new place we were living in. Now? You've flourished in our new town. You've got a great group of neighborhood friends, you're loving preschool, and you've even got a new little brother to dote on. (and boy do you dote!)

With every year that passes, I think "this is the best yet!" And it really does keep getting better. Gone is my baby girl, and in her place I have an independent, very opinionated, yet mostly sweet, little girl. I really have been amazed at your independence lately. You do so much on your own: you can get your own snacks and juice boxes, you go to the potty on your own, and I've finally gotten comfortable letting you go upstairs by yourself to get something or play a bit. (I realize that we've probably been a little too protective on that last part, but you unfortunately inherited your mom's clumsiness) You've also really gotten into the self play recently, and are perfectly content playing with your princesses and castle or in your kitchen. You've even started to make up little games.

Of all the new things, I've probably enjoyed your verbal improvements the most. Last year you'd just started to put together sentences and phrases, but now you have full on conversations and monologues. You have original thoughts and are always asking questions (your favorite is why? but that's another story. Today we had a whole discussion about animal noses after you noticed Daisy Duck didn't have a nose.) Your thought processes constantly amaze me, and often make me laugh!

While we certainly have our moments (they don't call them the terrible 3's for nothing!), you've really been a blast lately. We took you out to dinner tonight for your birthday at PF Changs. You certainly share your mom and dad's love for the restaurant. You tried everything and loved the spring rolls and honey chicken. (though not the sauce they mixed- "it was TOOOOO spicy!")

All in all, it's been a great year! I love you tons, and you are still the BEST birthday gift I've ever gotten. Here's to another fabulous year!


(I sign this Mom and not Mommy, as you're currently making the switch. You seem to think Mom is much cooler than Mommy. However, I still get a few mommy's, particularly when you need a little extra attention.)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Big Sister Abby

If you recall, prior to Austin's arrival I was very nervous about Abby. I was worried about how she would react to the changes in her life, and how I would handle the lack of one-on-one time. Turns out, everyone was right. I didn't need to worry about her. Abby is a WONDERFUL big sister.

Abby first met Austin in the hospital. Granma and Granpa (Abby doesn't pronounce the "D") brought her in the day after he was born, and she was so excited! She brought flowers and a stuffed animal (apparently both her ideas) and ran right to his cradle. No one else in the room mattered but Austin. After Daddy helped her "hold" him, she was in full big sister mode. In fact, when a nurse came to take Austin for his hearing test, Abby broke down in tears. She did NOT like that someone was taking her little brother away from her.

Two weeks later, she is still enamored with him. Abby loves to help with diaper changes (she gets me clean ones and throws away the dirty ones). When he's finished eating, she loves to help burp him. In addition to patting his back, she'll sit in front of him and hold both of his hands while I burp him. She talks to him and plays patty cake. When he's alert, she loves to shake toys and rattles in front of him. Before bed and naptime, she has to give Austin a kiss goodnight. All in all, she can't get enough of him!

And he LOVES her back. Abby's voice was one of the first he reacted to, turning his head in her direction when she speaks to him. He loves to stare at her.

Like I said, I didn't really need to worry about the sibling connection.

It hasn't been all easy though. Abby has had a little trouble understanding that I can't play with her all the time and we are working on her patience. The fact that she can't have what she wants at the exact moment she wants it is probably the biggest adjustment for her. However, we're working on it. She's slowly gaining some independence and is doing much better than I had expected. We still have the occasional meltdown, but they are becoming shorter and less often.

The only other area we're not thriving, is in my relationship with Abby. Because I'm nursing, my connection with Austin is still very primal*, so I'm very protective of him and my patience with Abby has been a little short. Thankfully, I don't think she's really noticed. I've been very conscious of this and have tried to focus on only her when I can. I've also tried to keep her routine in tact and to do things like bath and bedtime by myself. As a bonus, it's given Dan some quality Austin time each night as well.

It's been two weeks since we've been home from the hospital, and a week and a half since Dan's been back to work. I think we're doing pretty well, considering.

*Having babies makes me appreciate evolution even more. It's amazing the reflexes and instincts that come from both Austin and myself in the last two weeks. Science is amazing!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Austin: The delivery.

I have picked up the computer several times over the last 12 days, but each time I've just stared at the keyboard with no idea where to start. I have SO much I've wanted to write about and share, but I tend to use my free time resting, snuggling my newest little one, or frantically trying to get some one-on-one time with my old little one. Sorry. I know everyone wants to hear how things have been going, so I'll try to catch everyone up.

As I said, I'm not sure where to start, so I guess we'll start at the beginning. Last time I posted, I was nervously heading to the hospital. When we got there, the doctor starting things going and said they were hoping for a "daylight delivery." After everything we went through last time, Dan and I just laughed them off. We knew better. Or so we thought. They broke my water at 11am, and gave me the epidural at 12pm. I continued to progress right on schedule, but still had the craziness from Abby in the back of my mind. Sometime around 4:45 I started to get uncomfortable, and by 5pm, we'd called the nurse in. She watched me breath through a few contractions and started getting the room ready. While it looked like that daylight delivery might actually occur, Dan and I were still uneasy.

At 5:30, I was really ready to start pushing. Dan and I had commented throughout the day how "routine" things had seemed, but this is when I really started to understand that Austin was going to make things a lot easier than Abby did. The nurses were calm; the doctor was confident. Everything seemed to be normal. I guess that helped me calm down because the pushing went a lot easier than it did with Abby. I was still slightly nervous, but then the doctor looked at Dan and asked if he wanted to cut the cord. Then she asked me if I wanted the baby on my stomach after delivery. (If you had asked me my ideal delivery situation beforehand, this is what I would have asked for. I felt slightly cheated with Abby because we missed out on these two things.) At that moment I looked at Dan and finally relaxed. I was going to have this baby just the way I wanted to, and it was happening right then. Sure enough, 1 1/2 pushes later, I had a screaming little boy on my stomach. Total pushing time: 19minutes.

My first thoughts as I looked at my little boy, were 1) he didn't look like Abby and 2) he had Dan's nose. Since Abby was my only reference point for this whole mother thing, I guess I'd assumed he'd look just like she did as a baby, and while there are similarities, it was weird to realize at that moment that they really were two different people. As for the nose, for whatever reason it's always been my favorite physical characteristic of Dan. I've always loved that it's a little bit of softness and roundness to an otherwise very structured face. In my mind, it mirrors his personality: mostly sharp, but with just a touch of softy. Anyway, seeing it mirrored on my son was a pretty overwhelming moment for me. Not that I wasn't already, but it was at the moment that I truly fell deeply in love with my son.

Austin cried for a full 15 minutes while they finished everything up. He was crying so hard and long, that everyone in the room was laughing. He didn't calm down until they took him from me and put a diaper and blanket on him. To this day, it's the most he's cried. (Though the diaper seems to be his thing. If he doesn't have one on, he is screaming.)

And that's pretty much Austin's birth story. Routine delivery. In all my wishing and hoping for that day, I never considered it would be so easy. We really got everything we could have wanted out of the whole thing. (Though, of course, all we really wanted was a healthy little boy. But you know what I mean.)

Since then, things have been going well. After Abby, I was a drugged up drowsy mess for about a week. With Austin, I was up and moving hours after delivery. I felt pretty good, considering. Abby was a crier and made for a rough first night in the hospital. Austin might have been fussy too, but I smartly sent him to the nursery so I could rest. They brought him to me every 3 hours so he could feed, but he was pretty calm most of the hospital stay. He's actually been pretty calm ever since.

He's a quiet, laid back little guy. He gets mad when we're changing his diaper or his clothes. He gives a few little yells when he's hungry. Otherwise, he's awake or sleeping, but calm. We had a few nursing issues but I think we've finally gotten over that hump and are going strong. (With all the comparisons to Abby and her first few days, I have to say the nursing difficulties surprised me. Abby took to it like a champ and I never had any sort of issue. I had assumed Austin would have been the same. Not so much. Thankfully, I did have such a positive experience with Abby to keep me going. There were definitely a few sessions I sobbed through with Austin, and I can easily see why so many people give up and go to the bottle. But I didn't give in, and we are doing just fine now. I am almost to the point where I can enjoy the togetherness even.)

Well, that's a start. I have so much more to write about, particularly how well Abby is doing with her new life but it will have to wait. A certain little guy needs some snuggle time.

Monday, October 18, 2010

10/18/10- The morning of

I have been awake since 2AM. Well, not entirely true. I fell asleep for a few minutes around 5:15, but Dan quickly let me know I was snoring and I was wide awake again. (Note: I do not normally snore. It is a side effect from carrying and extra 45lbs around your belly. That and hormones.) Grand sleep total = 3 hours. Oh well, not like I have anything to do today :)

Did I also mention I feel sick? Not sick to my stomach, nerve-sick (though I've got that too), but totally congested, sore throat, killer headache kind of sick. I want coffee, Tylenol and a big glass of water, but alas I can have none of that. (Only enough water to brush my teeth!)

Needless to say, I'm totally nervous. The last few weeks have been moving towards this morning, but I hadn't really thought about what was going to happen today. Now the fears of complications and difficulties are in the forefront of my mind.

Who knows what today holds? I'm hopeful that the day will end happy and with a baby in my arms, but Abby took 18 1/2 hours. So it could very well be tomorrow? Then again, I'm shooting to have this whole thing wrapped up by late afternoon.

After all, the Tennessee plays Jacksonville in the Monday night game. I'd love to be able to introduce him to the Titans within the first few hours of life. :)

Ok. Writing helped with the nerves a little. Off to the hospital I go. Bring on the Pitocin!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Last Week

Monday is VERY quickly approaching!

I've spent most of the last week soaking up every minute of one-on-one time with Abby that I can. We've been to the playground, had special lunches, and just spent a lot of cuddle time together. She's been a ton of fun this week! (And with Abby it's very unusual to go so long with out a rough day. Hopefully, this will continue a little longer as we have big family weekend plans!)

I've been trying to get every last hug out of this week, because I've been feeling incredibly guilty. I know in the long run, I'm giving Abby an amazing gift in a new sibling. However, I'm feeling bad about the short term. I know she's not going to get as much mommy time and I'm going to miss this time we've had. I'm so grateful for this past year we've had together, I just worry about the next few months. This is all silly, I know.

Anyway, we've got a big weekend ahead. Soccer, family trip to the mall, dinner, even possibly a pro soccer game on Sunday. (On a side note- this will complete my list of sporting events. I will then have seen every major sport live.) I even took a little Mommy's night off last night for one last bit of "me" time. (I'm not feeling so guilty as to deprive myself of that.)

It'll probably be a little while before you get another post from me (obviously!), though I'll have Dan post pics and details while I'm at the hospital. YAY!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Down a sunny dirt road...

I have always loved to read, and have a particular fondness for children's literature. Even before I did storytelling in high school forensics, I was helping my mom for various storytelling events she put on.* I have been collecting kids books for as long as I can remember, always hoping I would pass along my love to my future children.

Though I never met a kids book I didn't like,** one of my favorite series is The Berenstain Bears. In fact, Go to the Doctor was the first book I ever learned how to read all by myself and I proudly showed off that skill to my pre-K class.*** This love has always continued, to the point that I stood in line for over an hour to get a signed book from Stan and Jan themselves when I was living in NoVa.

Imagine my excitement, when my daughter (who LOVES books of all kinds too) discovered the wonder that is The Berenstain Bears. She loves the tails on Mama, Papa, Brother and Sister just as much as I did. The only problem is that she's almost three. Almost three year olds have an amazing love of repetition. So we read the Bears at naptime and at bedtime, EVERYDAY. This has been going on for several weeks now. I hate to say it, but even I am getting a little tired of the gang deep in Bear Country.

I really don't want to discourage her reading or her choice of books, but it's getting to a point where I've even considered hiding some of the more frequent choices. (ironically, Go to the Doctor is one of her top favorites.) Maybe all I need is a few days off (which is around the corner thanks to the whole having a baby thing.); maybe I need a trip to the bookstore for a few more titles. Whatever it is, I need to change things up before my love for the books grows tired.

*Mom was a kindergarten teacher, and still works with the county. Since I was a baby, she's dressed up as "Granny" and told stories to children for different occasions. I used to accompany her as the "Story Princess."
**Except for Dr. Seuss. I HATE Dr. Seuss. It's nonsense. The pictures are not interesting. They are way too long. Though, as to not pass along my prejudices to my child, I have suffered through many a Dr. Seuss books for Abby.
***Had I ever applied to med school, you can bet that this fact would have been sung from the rooftops. It would have been in my essay and in my interviews. To this day, I think that's the main reason I thought I wanted to go to med school.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

37 weeks

I had my 37 week check up today, and everything still looks good! I was actually measuring at 36 (which is a little below my 37 weeks- Abby always measured a week ahead). This particular doctor gave me a 3 second panic attack when he commented on the baby's size; I was terrified for a bit that they would take me off the books for my induction. Then I remembered their real concern was Abby's broken shoulder and we can't go back in time to fix that, so the induction stays put. (unless, of course, this little guy decides to come before the 18th.)

Until then: the nursery is ready, pack-n-play is up, car seat is installed, hospital bag is packed and neighbors and family are on standby. Come on Austin! Anytime now buddy, anytime.

(Though secretly, I think I'd rather have the induction. I like planned events, not surprises.)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Pumpkin Picking

We took Abby to the pumpkin patch yesterday, mainly in attempt to use up some of the crazy amount of energy she had all day. I also wanted to do it before the baby came so I would get be a part of the fun. And, fun we had!

Abby was off and running from the time we stepped out of the car. Hillridge Farms had all kinds of activities including a giant slide, a maze, hay stacks, animals and a hayride. She was so excited, and loved everything she tried. She was also VERY picky when it came to picking the right pumpkins.

Enjoy the pics! (and a few little bonus pics from last week!)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

36 Weeks

I had my ultrasound and 36 week check up today. The plan was to see just how big this little guy is at the moment and figure out a game plan from there. He could have been little or normal, meaning we would have just waiting things out. He could have been large, meaning we'd schedule an early induction at 39 weeks. Or, he could have been gigantic, meaning we'd schedule a c-section.

Turns out.....

He's big! But not too big! (6lbs, 10oz at the moment. 57th percentile.) So, we are on the books for an induction at 39 weeks. Specifically, October 18, 2010. The date worked out perfectly, my two favorite doctors in the practice are on call that Monday and Tuesday, and I should be able to avoid the doctor I wanted to steer clear of. Not to mention, Dan will be able to take the full week off, and then be in and out of the office the following week. (It's been a crazy busy time at work for Dan as they try and gear up for the start of the holiday season.)

I am SO relieved! I had been a nervous wreck all morning, totally convinced they'd estimate him on the small side and tell me I couldn't have the induction. I really thought I might throw up sitting in the waiting room for the 30 minutes before my apt. (The wait was ridiculous today. My 9:45 apt started at 10:20 and I didn't leave until well after 11.)

Also worth noting, Austin is head down according to the ultrasound, though I already knew this. He also appears to have quite a bit of hair. We could actually see it flowing behind him. Even though I promised myself I'd stay away from graphic details after a few people complained about a previous post, allow me to say I'm "finger-tip dilated." So things are moving along.

Obviously, he could still come on his own, and Dan's hoping for a birthday of 10/10/10. But, if he doesn't, he's being evicted on the 18th. While, I realize I could still end up having a c-section if things get difficult, I'm happy to know I at least get to try to do it the more natural way. (If you can consider Pitocin and an epidural "nartual.")

I am sighing a big sigh of relief and trying to get everything in order for these last few weeks.

19 days!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Happiness and Parenthood

Lately the topic of parenthood and happiness keeps popping up. It started a few months back with the article in NY Magazine* and has been written about on various blogs I read. I think that's the main reason I've avoided the subject, because I'd read so many other people's opinions on it, but it came up again this past weekend so I figured why not? Besides, in every blog post and article I've read, I haven't seen anything from my specific viewpoint.

This past week was a stressful one for Dan at work. He had a project he was working on all week and some of it extended into his weekend. As a result, all he wanted to do this weekend was "relax." Dan's definition of a relaxing weekend involves little more than the computer, the couch and football. However, with an almost 3 year old (who is very much in a Daddy's girl phase) and a very pregnant wife, relaxing in front of the tv all weekend is an impossible feat. Thankfully, he's a wonderful husband and father and he gets the impossibility, but weekends like this one make him nostalgic for the relaxing days before children. Ultimately, I think he'd tell you he was "happier" as a parent, but certainly more stressed. (I'd like to note that this tends to be the general thought of most people I've read about.)

The other main reason I've never written about the subject is that the idea baffles me. I cannot relate to the idea of being happier before children at all. Even though he's my husband and I live with Dan's view, I don't even really get his argument.

I have lived most of my life in fast forward. When I was in high school, I wanted to be in college. When I was in college, I wanted to be out in the world making money and being my own person. When I graduated, I wanted to be married and own a house. And so on, and so on. Then, I became a mom and my fast forward mindset began to slow down. However, it wasn't until I moved to Raleigh and became the stay-at-home mom I'd always seen myself as, that I finally stopped looking forward to the next stage in life and just enjoyed where I was. I felt like I could finally start living my life and not just wishing for what was next. I'm not saying I wasn't "happy" before, but as silly as it sounds my life was complete. Or I should say "is complete."

It's funny, Dan and I often have the conversation about our college years. Dan and a lot of our friends, often said they'd pay a lot of money to return to their college years, and to just live life without stress and responsibilities. Me? You'd have to offer me a large sum of money to go backwards in life. Even then, I don't think I'd trade. Yes, I have more stress and responsibility now. Yes, I'm a lot more tired. But I consider those things as just part of the package. It's what parenthood is, and I never expected anything different.

Just think, I feel this way with just one child. Now, I'll soon have two! Everyone always talks about how surprised they were to find that they could love their second child just as fully as their first. For me, I expect nothing less.

So, does parenthood make me happier? Absolutely.

*I think that's where it was originally. The article asked the question of whether people without children were "happier" than those with children.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

34 weeks

I had my 34 week check up today, and everything seems to be moving along well. Heart rate and growth were normal and my weight gain is right at 40lbs. (This was my goal for the whole pregnancy, and obviously I'll surpass it since I have a few more weeks to go, but I'm not upset about it. Considering the 65lbs I gained with Abby, I think I've done pretty well. I have big babies, of course I'll gain more than "average.")

The interesting thing about the last few appointments has been the progression on the delivery discussion. You see, Abby's birth experience was a little traumatic. It didn't seem like it at the time, but in re-telling the story over the last few visits, I've started to view things a little differently. Nothing major occurred, and I was able to vaginally deliver a 9lb, 9oz, 22in baby. However, there was a series of minor things that when added up are leading to some concerns this time around.

For instance: I normally have low blood pressure and since an epidural lowers your bp, this caused a problem. I had to have not 1 or 2, but 5 shots of ephedrine and the presence of the head anesthesiologist. Also, other than her large size, Abby was also trying to come "sunny side up" (babies are born face down, Abby was trying to come out looking up). This meant she had to be turned and because of this (they think), she broke her collarbone. We didn't think much of it at the time, but apparently she could have suffered long-term nerve damage. For your sake, I won't go into details, but let's just say there was also a lot of blood lost on my part.

When you add up all of those things with the fact that this is my second baby and a boy (meaning he'll most likely be bigger), there's lots of things to be discussed. A month ago, they wanted to schedule a 36 week ultrasound to access the situation. Two weeks ago, they offered up an elective c-section but I said I'd rather be induced. At the time they said they wouldn't let me go past 40 weeks. This visit, the doctor said we'd decide at the ultrasound whether to induce at 39 weeks or to seriously re-open the c-section discussion.

Basically, things have been a little chaotic already. I'd really like to avoid the c-section, but I'll ultimately do whatever the doctors think is safest for Austin. I keep hoping the little guy will decide to come out on his own sometime around 37-38 weeks and we won't have to make any of these decisions. Who knows?

We'll know more in two weeks. I'll try not to stress out about it all too much before then. (Note that I said try. I make no promises.)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

State of the Pregnancy- 33 1/2 weeks

It's been a while since I wrote a state of the pregnancy post, and after a few particularly difficult days, I'm in the mood to complain. So here goes...

I am SO ready for this baby to come out!!!

I think the last post had me feeling better, but with the occasional nausea/stomach issues and some back pain. Thankfully, both of those things have continued to be mild if they show up at all. It seems I finally got rid of the stomach/food nonsense right around my 7 month mark. Which was just in time for the third trimester misery to begin.

I am tired ALL the time.

I am constantly out of breath.

My legs and feet constantly feel as if I've just finished a marathon. (or how I perceive this, seeing as I've never run 1 mile let alone 26.1. Basically I feel as if my legs are made of jelly.)

I am pretty sure I have internal bruising from the kicking. (They say as the baby gets bigger, the movement becomes more rolling and waves and less kicks. Not this little man. His kicks have gotten stronger. And now I get head butts to the ribs. Last night I got one so bad, I cried out and scared Dan half to death. The area is still sore to the touch and any little internal flutter in the area makes me wince in pain.)

Yay, third trimester!

My only comforts are that 1) this is all relatively normal and expected (unlike my earlier issues) and 2) I only have 6 1/2 more weeks to go! Hopefully, a little less. I've now had two conversations with different doctors about the possibility of an early induction (no earlier than 39 weeks) because of Austin's likely size. The second doctor even offered an elective c-section, which I turned down. Worst case, he'll be evicted on 10/25.

So, that's what's been going on down here. I'm getting a little break with Abby being at school two days a week, which is nice. Otherwise, I'm still just plugging along.

61/2 more weeks!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

First day of Preschool!

Today was Abby's first day of Preschool!

We've been talking a lot about school over the last few weeks, and we'd gone to meet her teachers "Miss A-shell" and "Miss Mar-ga-ret" (Michelle and Margret, for those people who are not Abby). I even let Abby pick out whatever backpack she wanted. (Tinkerbell and friends, of course!) She was very excited. Surprisingly, so was I. Dan was actually the sentimental one about the whole thing. He was even a little emotional* about the whole "our baby is growing up" thing.

Then there was today. I woke up this morning excited, but by the time I started to make breakfast I was fighting back some tears. (We had pancakes. My mother always made us have a big fancy breakfast on the first day of school, but pancakes is as fancy as Abby will eat.) I took extra time getting her dressed in her new outfit and doing her hair, making sure I soaked it all in. Abby, however, was still very excited. She must have asked 100 times if "we go to school now?" Normally, she doesn't like to have her picture taken, but she was even excited about that today. By the time we got to school, Abby was so ready she took off her shoes and ran to her teacher. I actually had to call her back to get a hug and kiss goodbye. She obliged, but barely.

Up until this point, I'd been okay. Then, I put the keys in the ignition and realized I actually had to leave the parking lot. Cue the tears. Enter the thoughts of "I can't believe my baby is so grown up!" After five minutes of this, I pulled myself together and drove straight to Starbucks for a pumpkin spice latte. Aaahhh, all better!

At 12:00 sharp, I picked up and very tired, but still very excited little girl. It took several questions, but I discovered she had colored a picture of a birthday cake, read a couple of books, sung "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" very quickly, and even made two new friends in Kayla and Andy ("He's a boy Mommy!").

All in all, a great day! I think we are both looking forward to when she goes back on Tuesday. Hopefully, I'll get through it without the tears.

*I think Dan would want me to clarify this. By emotional, I do mean Dan-emotional. There were certainly not any tears or anything. Just standing a moment or two longer than usual at the door at night when she was sleeping and extra hugs.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Fall is approaching...

Fall has always been my favorite season. I love the weather, the holidays, football, but mostly, I love the clothes! And according to my daily emails, boot and sweater season is quickly approaching. With every buzz of my phone, I get more excited to go shopping for boots, leggings, scarves and sweaters.

There are just 2 problems with this:

1) I cannot afford new boots, leggings, scarves and sweaters.

2) I am pregnant. In those key fall clothing months of October and November, I will have the flabby body that goes along with having just given birth. Add to that, I'll have a newborn. If I do leave my house, it will most likely be in sweats and left-over maternity clothes. I will be covered in spit up and breast milk, instead of suede and knits.

Damn it.

I am upset by this. Both my mother and husband have laughed at me and told me to "just give up on fall this year." Sigh. I guess I have to. I will just have to live vicariously through all my emails from DSW and Michael Kors*.

Of course, winter is just around the corner....and if there's anything I love as much as I love fall clothes, it's winter coats!

Bring on the winter coat emails!

*I would like to add that I have been a Michael Kors fan for a LONG time. As in, before he was "Michael Kors from Project Runway" and just "fabulous women's wear designer, Michael Kors." Also before you could find his clothes in TJMaxx and Marshall's. I don't know why I feel it is important to make this distinction, especially now that I can only afford to buy them from TJMaxx and Marshall's, but I do.

Monday, August 23, 2010

My gym days are numbered.

Before moving to Raleigh, I was never an "exercise person." In fact, I was pretty much an anti-exercise, anti-sweat person and I made sure that most people knew it. Then I moved here, where EVERYONE exercises. It doesn't matter the time of day or the temperature, there are always people out running or walking. It's almost blasphemous to not belong to the YMCA.

After watching other people be healthy all the time, you start to feel guilty. Between that and my need to find activities for Abby and I outside the house, we joined the local gym. (Not the Y, much to my neighbor Jen's dismay. It was twice the price as O2; and though I do miss the option of a pool, I don't miss the crowds.)

Maybe it's the influence of the "active lifestyle" around here. Maybe it's my desire to show my daughter that exercise is a fun (HA!) and important part of a healthy life. Maybe those "endorphins" everyone always told me about finally took over my brain. Or, most likely, maybe I just grew to enjoy an hour completely to myself a few times a week. Whatever the reason, I am now one of those "gym people" I always made fun of. Seriously. Like, to the point that the O2 employees actually recognize me, and greet Abby with enthusiasm. WHAT?!?

Up to this point, (yes, all 31 weeks!) I've been to the gym 2-3 times a week for at least 45 minutes. I'd planned on going to 35-36 weeks if I could, but only time will tell. Today was quite difficult, and I'm totally exhausted and sore after walking 40 minutes at 3.0mph. Hopefully tomorrow will be better, but I know my limits and will stop when my body tells me to. Who knows?

What I do know, is that whenever I do have to pause for the sake of the baby (and subsequent recovery from delivery), I'm going to miss it. And that's something, I NEVER in a million years thought I'd say.

Monday, August 16, 2010

30 weeks!

30 weeks!!!

This is, of course, a big milestone for the baby. At this point, his survival rates are much higher if he were to decide he was done cooking and wanted to join the real world. But, more importantly, it means I only have 10 more weeks to go! (At the most. Though if he would really like to make Mommy happy, he'll decide he's ready after 8 more weeks. 38 weeks is long enough for me.)

10 (8!) weeks! I can do that! We've got the changing table, and Dan is going to dig the crib from storage this week. I have a ton of clothes and diapers and have put together the list of "little things" I still need. (towels, burp clothes, all the other things that are nice to have around when baby comes home.) The big things are done. Austin has a place to sleep, diapers to dirty, and I can feel my body working on the milk part.

Now, it is time to finally enjoy this pregnancy. I have a few more weeks to soak it all in and actually celebrate the fact that I am growing a baby in my belly. (Don't get me wrong, the aches and pains are still there. And Braxton Hicks. Contractions HURT.) Now, it is time to really start to think about what is coming up and the logistics of the whole birthing and bringing home a baby process. (It occurred to us this weekend that we don't really know where to go when it's "time." Yes, we know which hospital, but we have no idea what entrance, have not pre-registered and haven't even seen the inside of the rooms. Don't worry, it's on my list.)

I've made it 30 weeks! Go me!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Make room for baby!

I didn't really "nest" when I was pregnant with Abby. This time however, I've been going a little crazy. Not crazy, as in I'm always cleaning and such, but crazy in that I have been totally freaking out about how I'm going to fit a baby and all his stuff into an already crowded house.

For a number of reasons, we've been renting in Raleigh and don't have plans to buy anything soon. The house has been a decent size for 3 people and a dog, but there's really only 2 bedrooms and a third floor (that's technically a bedroom because of the closet and the door). The third floor is the only spot we have for Austin, and it's been used as storage and was full of boxes. Needless to say, I couldn't really picture where anything was going to go, especially a crib and a BABY! Hence, the craziness.

Then, there was this weekend and my sister. Kelsey came down for the weekend and helped Dan and I FINALLY unpack/store away all the boxes. We also rearranged some furniture and now we actually have room for a crib and changing table. I have a spot to put my baby! A spot to change him! A spot for nursing! I can really picture how this whole thing is going to work now!

Today, I am spending nap time not in a panic, but in a calmer state. (Note that I said "calmer." There is still much to be done, but we are well on our way.)

A giant thank you to my sister! Love you Beth xoxo

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My new skill

Computers and I don't really get along. Well, technology in general really. My mechanical reasoning skills are great, and I can put almost anything together with only a glance at the directions. However, computers tend to break when I get near them. I went through 7 hard drives/computers in my 6 years of working. That is not an exaggeration, just ask my old partner, who was constantly amazed at my ineptitude. Right, Scott?

As a result, I've never been allowed to download pictures from the camera to the computer out of fear I would delete all of our pictures and somehow kill the computer in the process. But, tonight I was BRAVE! I attempted to download a few things while Dan was on his run and I DID IT! There are new pictures on the computer and they are still on the camera. They did not disappear into oblivion and the computer is still working.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Abby and Daddy time

Abby and Dan have been playing soccer on Saturday mornings for the last few weeks. Originally, I'd signed them up to give myself a little break once a week but Dan was excited about it because he hoped the soccer would balance the ballet and gymnastics. Abby's been very clingy with me recently, so I was unsure how it would go. However, they have had a blast! Abby starts asking about soccer with Daddy by Thursday each week, and wakes up each Saturday morning ready to put her jersey and tennis shoes on.

Obviously, they're too young to play any sort of game. Mostly, they play a lot of red light/green light, dribble the ball up and down the field, shoot goals in a game called "bulls-eye," and just have fun. Abby listens very well to Coach Justin, and has a bit of a crush on Coach Chad (he's tall and dark, like her Daddy. She's always running up to him during drills and gives him a shy smile when he talks to her. It's quite cute.) She's learning a lot (another dad even called her "a natural") and she's having fun with her Daddy. I also get a nice break once a week and it's giving her some much needed time away from mommy.

Sorry for the picture quality, the lighting was bad in the gym and I had some camera issues. Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I was reading, not writing.

I haven't really had much to write about this week. Abby's been great, the weather has been in the low 90s (which is a vast improvement over the 100+ from last week), and there's nothing particularly interesting going on. I usually think/write during nap time, but I've been busy trying to force myself to read my latest book: The Cookbook Collector by Allegra Goodman. Said book came from the library, of course, and it was a new release so I only had a week to read it.

Since one of the things I miss about living in Richmond is the book club I was a part of, I'll just share my thoughts here!

This book had gotten pretty good reviews in Entertainment Weekly, Amazon and some other magazine I can't remember. And, according to the title, it appeared to have something to do with cooking or cookbooks, which is right up my alley. However, the "cookbook" part was a small plot-line that only became important halfway through. It also tried to tackle the dotcom boom of the 90s and religion by telling the story of around 10 different characters.

Basically? Don't bother reading it.

I'm headed to the library this afternoon....I have 3 more books on hold! And I promise I'll be back with something a little more interesting soon :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

My baby's a Big Girl!

Yesterday, Abby finally got her big girl bed! She's been in a toddler bed since we moved here, but obviously, we need the crib mattress for our other little one. Abby's been anxiously waiting and asking about her new bed since we got the new bedding a month ago. (And her best friend down the street also got one around that time.) Although bedtime took a little longer than usual (3 books, 2 sets of songs, and 3 "last" hugs and kisses), she did great! I woke up to some noises a few times in the night, but when I went to check on her she was just talking in her sleep. ("Just one more book!")
For me, it was a mix of relief and sadness: I'd crossed off one of the many things on my must-do-before-Austin-gets-here list and my baby is growing up. I only teared up once, much to my husband's surprise. I know it's just because I'm more aware of things lately, but it seems as if my baby girl has gone and I now have a little person in her place. She's potty-trained, she's in a big girl bed, she speaks original thoughts in sentences and paragraphs, she's developed a great sense of humor, and she's fiercely independent. She's a real person, flaws and all (that fierce independence I mentioned)!

I thought I'd be a little more nostalgic, but instead, I'm really enjoying all these new things. Well, most of them.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


As promised...here's cookie post #1!

Sorry for the delay, but it's been really, really hot and I'm pregnant. Enough said?

After much thought, I think the best way to do these posts is to walk you through my methods. Take whichever tips you like, or just ignore them- it doesn't bother me :) Now, I realize that most people don't keep all the equipment and ingredients on hand like I do, so let's just start there. Shall we?

1) Cookie Scoop - probably my favorite tool in my kitchen! Not only do the cookies come out pretty, but it's easy to use and all your cookies are the same size and bake equally.
2) Cookie Sheets - I prefer the medium colored sheets. The dark ones make your cookies dark, and the light ones have problems with evenness and sticking. Also, the cookie "sheet" works best. Sheets have only one or two curved edges. The ones that have an edge all around are called "baking pans" or "jelly roll pans" and tend to make the cookies on the edge cook a little faster. Personally, I have Calphalon cookie sheets, which are like $50 a pan, but don't judge. That's what wedding registries are for :) One last note on the sheets, please, please, please don't store your sheets in the oven. They warp, darken and you end up totally wasting money on your pans. You can get away with using cheap pans from Walmart, as long as you take care of them. (Okay. I am now off my soap box. Think I'm a little passionate about my cookware and cookies?)
3) Measuring cups and spoons - Baking is a science, it doesn't work if the measurements are off. Pyrex cups measure wet ingredients, dry cups measure dry.
4) Mixer - I use a KitchenAid (I got it as a college graduation gift, how nerdy am I?) but you don't have you. Hand mixers work fine, but you really need something to make sure the butter and sugar are creamed (more on that later :) )

(Obviously, follow the recipe here. Just a few notes on some of my preferences.)
1) Unsalted butter, in sticks - I have tried it all and this works the best for my cookies. The butter makes for a lighter, flatter cookie. Crisco makes the cookies a little more dense. It needs to be unsalted and in measurable stick form because of that whole science thing again. In order to best cream the butter with the sugar, butter should be room temp so set it on the counter for a few hours before you start. In a pinch, you can microwave it for 5-8 seconds per side.
2) Vanilla - buy the good stuff, and by "good stuff" I don't mean McCormick.
3) Baking Soda/powder - check your recipe for which you need, and if you don't bake often, buy it new every time. It makes a big difference in the texture and amount of rise you get.
4) Brown sugar - I like the light brown sugar if it doesn't specify. Dark has more molasses and will make the cookies chewy.
5) Eggs - fresh and room temp.

I think that's all for now...questions?

Next up, mixing and scooping!

Monday, July 19, 2010

OBX with the JMU Crew

We are back from the beach! (Or as Abby put it, "my new home.") I must say, this was one of the first vacations where I actually was relaxed and didn't come home feeling like I needed a vacation from my vacation. I credit this to the company, of course, but also the fact that I am now used to spending all day, every day with my child. Normally, a week with Abby with exhaust me. This was yet another wonderful benefit of this stay-at-home mom thing!

It was a week full of the pool, (because Abby took one dip in the ocean and ran away yelling "This is not fun! I want to go to the pool!" Such a Momma's girl!) friends, and a whole lot of food. I can't wait for next year!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Coming Soon...

This week, I'm at the beach with the family and some friends. We're having fun, and I'm sure I'll post pictures later. In the meantime, I've been reminded how much I dislike cooking for large amounts of people. I chose what was probably the easiest, fail-proof, recipe in my small repertoire and still managed to cause myself much stress and a few tears. (Everyone liked it and no one got sick, so I'll consider it a success. I guess.) I'm not really a confident cook.

Ironically, if you asked the people who know me what my strengths are, chances are most of them would mention my cookies. I've always had a knack for them, and am always asked to bring some whenever I'm invited to a potluck, party, what have you. Just as an example: there are 9 adults at the beach this week and I made 5 batches of cookies. This translated to roughly 12 dozen cookies? We've been here for a day; and they are almost gone.

I make the same chocolate chip recipe that everyone else does (the one on the back of the yellow bag) but somehow they turn out differently than a lot of other people's. (I don't mean to make this sound conceited.) I've always been a little protective of my other recipes, but I'm happy to share tips. What's this blog for, if not for sharing information?

So, here's the plan. Coming soon, when I get back from the beach, I'll post a series of blogs with tips and my methods. I've been asked a lot this week, and this is the easiest way I know how to share. And now, I leave it up to you...what do you want to know? Any pressing questions I can help with?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I learned something new!

So here's a somewhat embarrassing fact about me....up until about a year ago, I didn't realize that libraries had actual books.* Like, books you actually want to read. Sure, I knew they had children's books and non-fiction books to do research with. I also thought they had a small selection of fiction books, but I thought they were old books. The "classics" if you may.

*At this point, I must openly apologize to my mother-in-law who is probably cringing. Until recently, she worked in a library and had done so for many years. Sorry Mary!

When I quit my job to stay home with Abby, I was looking for ways to entertain her and to save money at the same time. So, after some research I discovered rhyme time at the local library (20 minutes of sing alongs and storied geared toward the 0-2 crowd). While there, we checked out a few books for Abby. This continued for a few months, and I gradually figured out how to search for books for her. (Yes, this was probably taught to me at some point in school, but computers and I are not friends.) She now loves the library because it means 3-4 new books every time!

Then, a few weeks ago we were searching for Pinkalicious, and asked one of the librarians for help because I wasn't sure how many colors were in the series. (It's Pinkalicious, Purplicious, and Goldalicious if you're curious. They're quite cute.) That's when she introduced me to the concept of "holding" a book. The conversation went kinda like this:

Librarian- "Do you want me to hold Pinkalicious for you?"
Me- "How can you hold it, if it's not here?"
Librarian- Trying to hold in her shocked face. "Uhm, we put your name on a list and when it comes back in, we save it for you."
Me- "Oh. So how do I just keep checking every so often?"
Librarian- Now talking to me like I'm 4. "No. We email you."
Me- Still totally oblivious. "Then what?"

She went on to explain, very slowly, how this all worked. She even mentioned I could go online and add books to my reserve list. I thought to myself, "Holy crap, this is awesome!" I promptly went home and added books to my cue, and in a moment of curiosity tried a few titles I'd been wanting to read. I'd always hated trying to find books at the library (well, since I found out they have bestsellers and such) because I liked fancy displays at Barnes and Noble and Amazon to tell me what I'll like. So I opened up B&N.com and searched for books then added them on. I was so excited about this concept! I told Dan when he got home from work, and he looked at me like I was an idiot. Kinda like the librarian did. (Like I said, his mom worked at a library.)

Anyway, I have since gotten 2 books from my list and have one still holding for me. I'm going to save a lot of money, and I learned something new too!

Go ahead; laugh at me. I know you want to.

The tides have turned....at least for a little while.

I know the last post was kind of negative, but that's how I've been feeling lately. I blame the rough pregnancy, the overwhelming heat, and the fact that I still have to care for a rambunctious 2 1/2 year old. And, may I remind you, they are not called "the terrible twos" for nothing. Lately, I've felt like I was just "going through the motions" of my life and not really doing anything very well.

Then there was yesterday.

Abby (who in no way, shape or form could be considered a morning person) woke up in a good mood and ate most of her breakfast (she hates breakfast). Instead of our usual fight, she actually asked to go potty after she ate. Then, we went to Little Gym. She did everything the teacher asked her to and did most of the activities while I watched with the other parents. She was even calmly waiting her turn and asking the other kids if she could please go next. Abby was one of the best behaved kids there. :-0

When we got home, her delightful attitude continued as she helped with the dishes and played by herself while I did a little cleaning. She ate almost all her lunch and even went down for her nap without so much as a peep.

By nap time I was feeling pretty good, and even did a few loads of laundry and some more cleaning. I was feeling like my old self, and it was wonderful! After nap, the good mood continued and we had a great afternoon.

The time from dinner to bedtime has always been Abby's witching hour, and yesterday was no different. There was a series of timeouts for painting on the wall (with water-based, washable finger paints, but still) and for fighting me when I tried to wash her hands. She was getting cranky, I was getting tired and all my good feelings about the day went out the window. After watching a little soccer and looking at pictures of herself on the computer with Daddy, she calmed down and went to sleep. But, by this time I was crushed.

I had spent the whole day feeling good, and then let a few minor things get to me. Then I realized I couldn't measure my day on a few time outs. After all, I do have a 2 year old and time outs are healthy. She needs them as much as I do.

Today, like yesterday, has started out pretty well. Dan has a work dinner tonight, so I'm sure I'll once again be very ready for bedtime. All in all, this last day and a half has been a much needed positive turn.

It's the little things, but it's always nice to get a reminder that, "Yes, I am a good mom."

Friday, July 2, 2010

6 months

It occurred to me recently, that I will be 24 weeks pregnant on Monday. Which, makes me 6 months pregnant. HOLY CRAP, HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!?!

When I think about it, or think about someone else whose 6 months along, I think, "Wow. That's really pregnant." And I guess, in a way, it is. I'm more than halfway through this thing (assuming Austin decides to come around the preferred 40 week mark) but I feel as if it's all gone really quickly. Then again, part of the reason I feel that way, is that I still feel like crap.

Where is the energy and the enjoyment that you're supposed to have during your second trimester? With Abby I felt great. I was hot and tired, because it was summer and I was pregnant. But, I also felt pretty good. Excited; energized! Now, I'm 6 months in and still have to contemplate taking a Zofran if I choose to consume any meat or have too much protein. My poor, sweet daughter has been in a very cuddly and loving mood lately, but I've found myself wincing every time she hugs me or wants to climb on my lap because it hurts. And don't even get me started on the back pain. (Which I fully intend to ask the doctor about starting physical therapy for at my next appointment. Hopefully, I can fix at least one of my issues.) The weird thing about it all, is that I'm not all that tired. I just feel crappy.

Hopefully, Austin is giving me all this junk now and will be a delightful baby when he comes out. Laugh at my thinking all you want, but it is this thought that is getting me through all of this. Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited about his arrival. I've had a blast buying adorable blue and green tiny outfits. I can't wait to cuddle a little baby again. I'm especially excited to experience all the little, everyday things I missed with Abby because I was working. Mostly, I just can't wait to meet my son (and to give him a kiss and forgive him for everything he's putting me through!)

So, yes, this 6 months has gone by really quickly. I just really hope the rest of the time goes just as quick. Now, excuse me while I go try not to throw up.