Tuesday, December 21, 2010

One well and one sick, off to the doctor we go!

Austin was scheduled for his 2 month well check today, which turned out to be nice timing after Abby threw up at the dinner table last night. She's had a cough for about 2 weeks now, and I think she just gagged on some mucus. Regardless, I called this morning to see if they could fit her in too.

Turns out, she has a little bronchitis. She got a script for z-pack and I got a look from the doctor and a was told anything after 10 days is not "just a cough." I try to not be one of those mom's that runs in at every sniffle expecting an antibiotic and what do I get? A scolding and an antibiotic. Guess I know where the line between paranoid mom and good mom falls next time: 10 days.

As for Austin, he's doing just fine. He's apparently eating like a champ as he's gained a little over 3lbs in a month! When Abby was this age, this was the big 4 shot and a liquid appointment, but thankfully they've combined some things and Austin only got 2 shots and the liquid. He screamed his head off, I nursed him, and he's been asleep since. I expect to have a VERY sleepy boy for the rest of the day. Otherwise, he looks healthy! Here's the stats:

Weight: 14lbs 4oz (95%)
Height: 23.6in (75%)
Head: 40.8cm (75%)
Still short and fat! (but fat babies are a good thing :) )

Oh! I also asked about his eyes, hoping he would tell me there was a pretty good chance they'll stay blue, and the doctor said to wait until 9 months. They can still change. Sigh.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Our trip to visit Santa this year was pretty uneventful. (Unless you're Dan. Then you had to leave work early only to find that Santa takes a dinner break from 5-6 and you have to wait around for an hour. And you HATE waiting. And there was a line. And Abby was super excited, therefore quite hyper. Then this year wasn't that fun. Guess I should have checked the schedule ahead of time, woops!)

Anyway, Austin didn't really react to the big guy. Abby, loved it. She told him she'd been a good girl and added a Barbie to her list of wants. (Previously all she'd asked for was a trombone and a guitar.)


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Austin: 2 Months


Congrats kid, you've grown from sleeping/eating/pooping infant to baby! You are so much more alert this month, and your personality is starting to show.

The biggest development this month is your smile. Oh, the smiles! You are such a happy little boy and give us the biggest smiles. You have also become quite the talker. You've always been pretty vocal, but now you constantly grunt and coo. My favorite noises come right before you eat: as we're getting ready, you reach up, smile and give an excited "oooh, ooh, ooh!" (kinda like a little monkey) As vocal as you are, you're still not a crier. The only time you really cry is when you're hungry and I don't feed you fast enough.

Speaking of unhappy moments, you've developed what we like to call "the ugly face." Your dad has it, as does your sister. Daddy and Abby's look is really quite powerful and makes you want to crawl under a rock. It usually comes in a "what the hell?" moment. However, yours is this super sad little frown. It makes me want to melt, but only because I feel so bad for whatever your going through. If this continues, you will be able to get anything you want from me in the future. I'm in BIG trouble.

Thankfully, we've figured out our nursing issues, and you are now a super eater. We've even figured it out so well, that we can do it anywhere. I've fed you in the car (parked, of course), in stores and even in a crowded mall waiting for Santa. Thank goodness!

We're still working on your sleeping habits, as you've kinda napped on the go recently. I'm hoping to get you on a schedule after the holidays. Nighttime has gotten a little easier, thanks to Mommy's friends Jason and Lauren. You've always liked to be swaddled, but we've kept your arms out. Now that you've discovered your arms, they've become a detriment to your sleeping as you hit yourself in the head. It didn't occur to me to swaddle your arms in until you got a little out of control at a cookie party. Jason (or Lauren?) swaddled you tight and you settled right down. Now, we swaddle your arms in at night and we're getting at least 4hours the first stretch and usually 3 or so after that. Yay!

As for the arms thing, you are starting to bat at toys and love to lay on your playmat. (As long as your sister doesn't bonk you in the head. She also likes to lay on the mat, and tends to get a little too close. Though, a few times you've payed her back by grabbing a fistful of her hair.)

I could keep going on things you love this month, like I said you're a very happy boy! (The bath is another big one.) But, in an effort to make this letter NOT 6 pages, I'll stop.

On a slightly negative note, this month brought a pretty bad case of baby acne. Thankfully, it's almost gone.

Wow. What a month! I haven't even mentioned your first thanksgiving, another trip to grandma's, and your first visit with Santa. All three went very well.

Oh, Austin. You have been so much fun already, and I can't wait to see what's next!

Love you,


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Catching up

I realize it's been a very long time since I posted anything, and I'm sorry! I usually write during nap time and Austin has decided that he no loner wants to nap when Abby naps. My other option is at night, after the kids are in bed, but I'm too tired to form complete sentences at that point. Through no fault of his own, Dan has been working long hours and hasn't been getting home until a little before baths, so my days are LONG! (He works in the retail field and it's holiday time. Add to that, they're a man down on the team. While it sounds like I may be complaining, I'm not. Long hours in the holiday season just go with the territory and I know he's missing us just as much as we're missing him.)


There's been a lot of stuff I've wanted to write about, but for the sake of time we will do this in bullet points.

-Abby and Austin have been particularly cute recently. Abby loves to help at bath time, and she's decided that reading him a story while I get everything ready is the best way to help. It's adorable. Also, this morning while I was blow drying my hair, she came running in the bathroom to comfort him. He wasn't crying, she was just worried he'd be scared and held is hand and told him, "it's okay, it's just a little loud. I'm right here."

-My cell phone is officially broken, and I am officially freaking out. Yes, I have my dad's old smartphone to use until our contract is up February 12. But still. I NEED MY PHONE!!!!

-Along the lines of the phone, I can't decide: Droid, Blackberry, hold out for iphone (which i can't do if it's going to be longer than March 1. I will go insane!) or a Samsung Galaxy. Opinions?

- I know I'm late to the party, but I am totally obsessed with 16 and Pregnant. Maybe it's because it's always on during late night feedings, or maybe it's because I was recently pregnant, but I cannot stop myself from watching it. The one thing I've noticed, is that every one of these poor, young, high school students (can I say white trash?) attempts to breastfeed. I think that is
so cool. I'm not going to go all La Leche on you, as I have several friend who couldn't breastfeed for one reason or another. I totally get all that, but I'm a big fan of nursing and think that everyone should at least try. If it's not for you, I'm not going to fault you. I'll just be happy you tried. But, 16 year olds pumping in high school? Yay for breastfeeding education and promotion!

- I'll be updating you more on Austin in a few days, but until then:
I promise I'll be back soon!