Tuesday, November 24, 2015

40 by 40

So, you may have noticed I just flew past my birthday without a post this year.  I turned 35 this year.  Thirty FIVE.  This is the first year I've really struggled with the number.  I've always welcomed "growing up" but this one was a bit tough to swallow.  Thankfully, my husband is always two years older to make me feel not quite as old!

Anyway.  My birthday happened, moving on!

A few years ago a friend of mine turned 40 and Dan and I started talking about putting together a list of things 40 things to do before we turned 40.  Dan initially wrote one too, but a lot of his were running or physical and his knee has made that impossible for the time being.  However, I stuck to mine and came up with the following list. (I've been working on it for two years now?)  I still have a few more slots to fill and I'm open to suggestions.*  Dan is supposed to be coming up with a few he wants to add, but I've been asking for a while now and note really gotten any.  So, here is the list! Explanations and stories of those I've completed included!

1) Take a spin class- Done! Not only that, I now go regularly! I was always afraid of a spin class  
because it seemed hard and I have a bike thing, but I loved it.  Not only that, but I've become    friends with two of the women in the class.  Our kids play sports together and one is a neighbor, but    spin definitely made it easier to cross the line from side-line acquaintances to friends.**
2) Cut my hair really short- I've always had short hair, but I went sort of pixi short before Juliet was       born.  I loved it, but I do not have the time to keep up with super short hair.  I probably only get my hair done 2-3 times a year.
3) Take the kids to pet sting rays- I did this on a field trip growing up and it was one of my favorite childhood memories.  I have no idea why, as it is so unlike me! When we moved to Greensboro we discovered the Science Center.  It is 5 minutes from the house and is a zoo, aquarium and science center all in one. And it has a sting ray petting tank! Abby thought it was cool and Austin refused to touch them. Not sure it will stick with them like it did me, but it is checked off my list.
4) Run a half marathon
5) Do a color or mud run- I don't like to get dirty.  At all.  This sounded like something that would push me out of my comfort zone, so I added it.  Not ready to try it yet!
6) Take a barre class- My sweet sister actually gave me a class as a birthday present this year.  I haven't used it yet, but am excited!
7) Get under 150lbs and stay there- I actually got there after doing the 21 day fix this summer, but I haven't stuck with it.  I'm determined to jump back on the wagon soon and make this stick though!
8) Run a 5k in under 30 minutes- Best I've done so far is 44 minutes, but I was with Abby.  I probably still have a ways to go on this one.
9) Go all the way under the water in the ocean- I have a fear of water where I can't see the bottom. I went up to my waist this year with the kids, but couldn't pull the trigger and do it all.  I think I need to wait until Dan can go in and hold my hand!
10) Ride a bike- I don't know how to ride a bike.  I feel like this is something I should learn? Though of everything on my list, this is the one I'm least enthusiastic about...
11) Own a pair of designer jeans (not from TJ Maxx or Marshalls)
12) Go apple picking- Done! It wasn't what I thought, but will definitely take the kids again.
13) Own a Michael Kors Hamilton handbag - I've always wanted one, but have never bought one for countless reasons.  One of these days I'm just going to do it. (But only once we get past the whole diapers stage.  Maybe this will be my 40th birthday gift to myself?)
14) Take a day trip with Abby
15) Take a day trip with Austin
16) Take a trip with Juliet
17) Go wine tasting in Napa (or other wise tasting region that is not Virginia or North Carolina)
18) Go to Vegas with Dan
19) Have deep dish pizza in Chicago
20) Attend a taping of a game/talk show
21) Get a pedicure with both my girls
21) Do a ropes/zipline course- Post on this coming soon! Abby and I did one this past weekend.
22) Finish a race as a family
23) Climb a rock wall
24) Go to Hawaii
25) Take a bread baking class- I'm a pretty good baker, but I have failed at bread many times.
26) Take a photography class
27) Attend a professional tennis match- Dan and I went to one this summer.  With that match, I have now attended every major sport live.  (NFL, college football, NBA, college basketball, golf, NHL, NASCAR, soccer and tennis!)
28) Have a fully decorated house- considering we've been in our house over a year and I've only hung 2 pictures so far I better get moving on this one.
29) Swim with dolphins
30) Take a hot air balloon ride- I was actually booked on a ride when Dan and I were on a work trip to San Diego.  However, I was in my first trimester with Abby and my ob wouldn't clear me to go.
31) Complete a large DIY project- Tiling, flooring, molding, etc.  I'm pretty handy and just think this would be fun.
32) Do a spa day with at least 3 treatments
33) Get a couples massage
34) Go to Puerto Rico- This is the one thing Dan has added so far.  He has family there and went several times growing up.  He's been promising he'll take me for years now.

That's all I have so far! I figure I still have 5 years to add a few more.  What about you? Do you have a bucket list or milestone list? What do you want to do/see/go/eat?

* I won't travel where I cannot speak the language and I will not jump out of an airplane or bungee jump. (I'd love to do either, but I am a mom of 3 and feel that is irresponsible.) Other than that, I'm pretty open?  
** Does that make me sounds like as big of a loser as I think it does?? Reminder- I may come across as easy to get along with, but I am horribly socially awkward!

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