Saturday, November 7, 2015

Abby and the Attitude

Did you know that 8 is officially a "tween?" Not that this should be a huge surprise since Abby has had an attitude since she could speak, but as this milestone approaches she has been on fire lately.  I'm the one who has to deal with it every day, and it's not usually funny in the moment, but I always get a good laugh relaying the story to Dan later.  So, for your reading pleasure, here are just a few of the gems that have come out of her mouth the last week or two.

During dinner...
Abby: "I wonder what Lola is having for dinner...sigh.  Did you know that Lola's mom cooks dinner EVERY NIGHT? Like, she ACTUALLY cooks, not just heats stuff up."
She said this on a night I made spaghetti.  Which means in our house Abby had elbow noodles with butter and peas, Austin had thin spaghetti with sauce that I took all the "chunks" out of, Juliet had elbows with sauce, Dan had thin spaghetti with sauce and spicy sausage, and I had whatever noodle shape was left at 8pm and they had all gone to bed.*

I read Abby the school lunch menu word for word at breakfast and she chose to buy.  That afternoon when she got home from school...
Abby: "Today for lunch they had STRAWBERRY yogurt parfaits."
Me: "I know."
Abby: "You didn't SAY strawberry."
Me: "yes, I did."
Abby: "No you didn't!! Did you know that younger people have better memories than old people? So, I am right!"

Every time we go to a store these days they want to look at the toys "to make our christmas lists!"
Me: "We are not talking about Christmas lists anymore! I do not want to hear anything about a christmas list until after my birthday!"
Abby: "You mean MY birthday."
Me: "No.  MINE.  I have a birthday too!"
Abby: "sigh." eye roll

It's raining today so when I put Juliet in the car I sang, "Rain, Rain, Go Away."
Abby: "Ugh.  You know that song doesn't work, right?"

That folks, is just a glimpse of Abby on any given day.  Every once in a while I get a glimpse of the sweet girl buried way deep below the attitude and she does things like this...

Austin was fidgety during his haircut and I was wrangling Juliet, so Abby went up to calm him down and keep him still.

But the moments are fleeting, because not 10 minutes later she was in tears in the grocery store.  A man with a 10 year old boy stopped me and said, "I remember those days.  He's the youngest of my 3, it gets easier! They look happy at least! Well, except for that one.  She looks angry."

*Dinner in our house is craziness.  


  1. Love this! You are a wonderful blogger and mom. I feel a little better hearing that this attitude occurs in other homes as well (and that meal times are chaotic). It seems Sydney is at war with me lately, and I am a bit flabbergasted. I, however, am now a little nervous for 8 since she's only 3!

  2. Thanks! Don't worry, Abby started at 3. We always said she was 3 going on 13! The good news is that it is normal....the bad news is I have a feeling it doesn't get better anytime soon!
